1 | #include "xmltoolsinterfacecommandpreview.h"
2 | #include "ui_xmltoolsinterfacecommandpreview.h"
3 |
4 | XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview::XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview(const QString ¤tFileLocation, const QString &previewFileLocation, QWidget *parent) :
5 | QMainWindow(parent),
6 | ui(new Ui::XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview)
7 | {
8 | ui->setupUi(this);
9 | this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); //destroy itself once finished.
10 |
11 | QFile currentFile(currentFileLocation);
12 | currentFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
13 |
14 | this->currentText = currentFile.readAll();
15 |
16 | ui->teCurrentFileText->setText(this->currentText);
17 |
18 | QFile previewFile(previewFileLocation);
19 | previewFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
20 |
21 | this->previewText = previewFile.readAll();
22 |
23 | ui->tePreviewFileText->setText(this->previewText);
24 |
25 | highlighterCurrentFile.setDocument(ui->teCurrentFileText->document());
26 | highlighterPreviewFile.setDocument(ui->tePreviewFileText->document());
27 |
28 | previewFile.close();
29 | currentFile.close();
30 |
31 | // Split and trim text of current and preview file
32 | this->currentTextRows = this->currentText.split("\n");
33 | this->previewTextRows = this->previewText.split("\n");
34 |
35 | for(QString ¤tTextRow : this->currentTextRows){
36 | currentTextRow = currentTextRow.trimmed();
37 | }
38 | for(QString &previewTextRow : this->previewTextRows){
39 | previewTextRow = previewTextRow.trimmed();
40 | }
41 |
42 |
43 | QString currentTextRowNumbers;
44 | QString previewTextRowNumbers;
45 |
46 | for(int i=0; i<this->currentTextRows.size(); i++){
47 | currentTextRowNumbers += QString::number(i);
48 | if(i < this->currentTextRows.size()-1){
49 | currentTextRowNumbers += "\n";
50 | }
51 | }
52 |
53 | for(int i=0; i<this->previewTextRows.size(); i++){
54 | previewTextRowNumbers += QString::number(i);
55 | if(i < this->previewTextRows.size()-1){
56 | previewTextRowNumbers += "\n";
57 | }
58 | }
59 |
60 | // Create line numbers QTextEdits
61 | this->lineNumberDisplayCurrentFile = new LineNumberDisplay(ui->teCurrentFileText,this);
62 | this->lineNumberDisplayPreviewFile = new LineNumberDisplay(ui->tePreviewFileText,this);
63 |
64 | // Make line numbers background transparent (http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/12148-how-QTextEdit-transparent-to-his-parent-window)
65 | this->lineNumberDisplayCurrentFile->viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false);
66 | this->lineNumberDisplayPreviewFile->viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false);
67 |
68 | // Add line numbers (at beginning of the horizontal layout)
69 | this->ui->hlCurrentFileText->insertWidget(0,lineNumberDisplayCurrentFile);
70 | this->ui->hlPreviewFileText->insertWidget(0,lineNumberDisplayPreviewFile);
71 |
72 | // Save the default background color (OS dependent)
73 | this->textEditDefaultBackgroundColor = QTextCursor(this->lineNumberDisplayCurrentFile->document()).charFormat().background();
74 |
75 | highlightDifferences();
76 |
77 | // Vertical scrollbars
78 | connect(ui->teCurrentFileText->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(verticalScrollbarMoved(int)));
79 | connect(ui->tePreviewFileText->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(verticalScrollbarMoved(int)));
80 |
81 | // Horizontal scrollbars
82 | connect(ui->teCurrentFileText->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(horizontalScrollbarMoved(int)));
83 | connect(ui->tePreviewFileText->horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(horizontalScrollbarMoved(int)));
84 | }
85 |
86 | void XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview::verticalScrollbarMoved(int value)
87 | {
88 | if(ui->cbVerticalScrollbarsSynchronized->isChecked()){
89 | if(ui->teCurrentFileText->verticalScrollBar()->sliderPosition() != value){
90 | ui->teCurrentFileText->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(value);
91 | }
92 | else{
93 | ui->tePreviewFileText->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(value);
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 | void XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview::horizontalScrollbarMoved(int value)
99 | {
100 | if(ui->cbHorizontalScrollbarsSynchronized->isChecked()){
101 | if(ui->teCurrentFileText->horizontalScrollBar()->sliderPosition() != value){
102 | ui->teCurrentFileText->horizontalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(value);
103 | }
104 | else{
105 | ui->tePreviewFileText->horizontalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(value);
106 | }
107 | }
108 | }
109 |
110 | void XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview::on_cbWrapText_toggled(bool checked)
111 | {
112 | QTextEdit::LineWrapMode wrappingMode;
113 |
114 | if(checked){
115 | wrappingMode = QTextEdit::WidgetWidth;
116 | this->lineNumberDisplayCurrentFile->hide();
117 | this->lineNumberDisplayPreviewFile->hide();
118 | }
119 | else{
120 | wrappingMode = QTextEdit::NoWrap;
121 | this->lineNumberDisplayCurrentFile->show();
122 | this->lineNumberDisplayPreviewFile->show();
123 | }
124 |
125 | ui->teCurrentFileText->setLineWrapMode(wrappingMode);
126 | ui->tePreviewFileText->setLineWrapMode(wrappingMode);
127 | }
128 |
129 | void XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview::highlightDifferences(){
130 |
131 | QTextCharFormat fmt;
132 | QTextCursor cursor;
133 |
134 | for(int i=0; i<currentTextRows.size(); i++){
135 | if(i < this->previewTextRows.size()){
136 | if(this->currentTextRows.at(i) != this->previewTextRows.at(i)){
137 | fmt.setBackground(QColor(0xFFC864)); // orange color
138 |
139 | cursor = QTextCursor(ui->teCurrentFileText->document());
140 | cursor.setPosition(ui->teCurrentFileText->document()->findBlockByLineNumber(i).position());
141 | cursor.select(QTextCursor::LineUnderCursor);
142 | cursor.setCharFormat(fmt);
143 |
144 | fmt.setBackground(Qt::yellow);
145 |
146 | cursor = QTextCursor(ui->tePreviewFileText->document());
147 | cursor.setPosition(ui->tePreviewFileText->document()->findBlockByLineNumber(i).position());
148 | cursor.select(QTextCursor::LineUnderCursor);
149 | cursor.setCharFormat(fmt);
150 | }
151 | }
152 | else{ // if we have more rows in the current file than in the preview file we highlight the the extra rows in the current file
153 | fmt.setBackground(QColor(0xFFC864)); // orange color
154 |
155 | QTextCursor cursor(ui->teCurrentFileText->document());
156 | cursor.setPosition(ui->teCurrentFileText->document()->findBlockByLineNumber(i).position());
157 | cursor.select(QTextCursor::LineUnderCursor);
158 | cursor.setCharFormat(fmt);
159 | }
160 | }
161 |
162 | // if we have less rows in the current file than in the preview file we highlight the the extra rows in the preview file
163 | if(this->currentTextRows.size() < this->previewTextRows.size()){
164 | for(int i=this->currentTextRows.size(); i<this->previewTextRows.size(); i++){
165 | fmt.setBackground(Qt::yellow);
166 |
167 | cursor = QTextCursor(ui->tePreviewFileText->document());
168 | cursor.setPosition(ui->tePreviewFileText->document()->findBlockByLineNumber(i).position());
169 | cursor.select(QTextCursor::LineUnderCursor);
170 | cursor.setCharFormat(fmt);
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | highlighterPreviewFile.rehighlight();
175 | highlighterCurrentFile.rehighlight();
176 | }
177 |
178 | XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview::~XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview()
179 | {
180 | delete this->lineNumberDisplayCurrentFile;
181 | delete this->lineNumberDisplayPreviewFile;
182 | delete this->ui;
183 | }
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 | void XmlToolsInterfaceCommandPreview::on_checkBox_toggled(bool checked)
188 | {
189 | if(checked){
190 | highlightDifferences();
191 | }
192 | else{
193 | QTextCursor cursor(ui->teCurrentFileText->document());
194 | QTextCharFormat fmt;
195 | fmt.setBackground(this->textEditDefaultBackgroundColor);
196 |
197 | cursor.select(QTextCursor::Document);
198 | cursor.setCharFormat(fmt);
199 |
200 | cursor = QTextCursor(ui->tePreviewFileText->document());
201 | cursor.select(QTextCursor::Document);
202 | cursor.setCharFormat(fmt);
203 | }
204 | }