CLAP The context before a verb is to be executed The method that is executed The target object, if any, that the verb is executed on. If the verb is static, this is null. A user-context that can be filled with custom keys and values. Once filled in the pre-execution context - it is available in the post-execution context. The list of parameters and their values Whether to cancel to verb execution. The post-interception will be called having the Cancelled property set to true. File exists validation: The string value of the marked parameter or property must be a path to an existing file Validation on the parameter's value The validator The description of this validation attribute, used when asking for help Constructor Gets a validator instance The validation description A value validator Validate the value More-Or-Equal-To validation: The numeric value of the marked parameter or property must be a more or equal to the specified number Number validation Constructor Constructor More Or Equal-To validator Number validation Constructor Validate The number to validate with Constructor Validate A helper for method invoking to allow mocking for tests Marks a method to be executed when there is no input. The method must not accept any parameter except if marked along with [Help]. Less-Than validation: The numeric value of the marked parameter or property must be a less than the specified number Constructor Less-Than validator Constructor Validate The context after a verb was executed Whether the verb execution was cancelled by the pre-execution interception If the verb failed to execute - this contains the exception that was thrown Whether the verb failed to execute Marks a method as a verb Additional names for the verb The description of the verb. Used to generate the help string Whether this verb is the default verb of the class Marks a class to allow verb-interception by a defined IVerbInterceptor (or either IPreVerbInterceptor or IPostVerbInterceptor) type Marks a class to allow verb-interception by a defined IVerbInterceptor (or either IPreVerbInterceptor or IPostVerbInterceptor) type An interceptor type that implements either IVerbInterceptor, IPreVerbInterceptor or IPostVerbInterceptor The interceptor type Information about a vluae The name of the value. Either the parameter or property name The type of the value The value Regex validation: The string value of the marked parameter or property must match the specified regular expression Constructor Regex validator Constructor Validate The regex pattern A verb execution context The method that is executed The target object, if any, that the verb is executed on. If the verb is static, this is null. The input arguments More-Than validation: The numeric value of the marked parameter or property must be a more than the specified number Constructor More-Than validator Constructor Validate Path exists validation: The string value of the marked parameter or property must be a path to an existing file or directory Marks a method to be called when the user asks for help The additional aliases (as CSV) of the parameter The name of this parameter A parameter and its value The parameter The value of the parameter Gives interception options to verb execution Gives interception options to verb execution BEFORE the verb is executed Gives interception options to verb execution AFTER the verb is executed, even if the execution fails Validates a collection of parameters of properties Validation of collections of parameters and values Gets an instance of the collection validator The description of this validation attribute, used when asking for help Gets a validator instance The validation description Less-Or-Equal-To validation: The numeric value of the marked parameter or property must be a less or equal to the specified number Constructor Less Or Equal-To validator Constructor Validate Validation of collections of parameters and values Provides registration features for parser instances Registers a help handler that is executed when the user requests for help The names (CSV) to be registered as help parameters. For example: "?,h,help" The action to be executed Registers an empty help handler that is executed when there is no input The action to be executed Registers an empty handler that is executed when there is no input The action to be executed Registers an error handler that is executed when an exception is thrown The action to be executed Registers a pre-verb execution interceptor The action to be executed before each verb is executed Registers a post-verb execution interceptor The action to be executed after each verb is executed Registers a global parameter handler The names (CSV) to be registered as boolean parameters (switches) The action to execute Registers a global parameter handler The names (CSV) to be registered as boolean parameters (switches) The action to execute The parameter description (for help generation) Registers a global parameter handler The type of the parameter The names (CSV) to be registered as parameters The action to execute Registers a global parameter handler The type of the parameter The names (CSV) to be registered as parameters The action to execute The parameter description (for help generation) Marks a method to run after each verb is executed Marks a method as a global parameter. The method can either accept any single allowed parameter type or accept no parameters and be treated as a boolean switch. The additional aliases (as CSV) of the parameter The description of this parameter The name of this parameter Base exception class for all parser exceptions Constructor Constructor Constructor The verb string that wasn't found The name of the required parameter The verb that requires the parameter The name of the parameter The name of the parameter The string value that failed to be converted The target type The collection of unhandled arguments The collection of the verbs that are defined as default The method that is defined as help The parameter that has both a Default and a DefaultProvider The parameter that has an invalid DefaultProvider The global handler name A command-line arguments parser A parser of one or more classes Run a parser of static verbs The user arguments Run a parser of instance verbs against instances of the verb classes The user arguments The instances of the verb classes Gets a help string that describes all the parser information for the user Parser registration Executes a console parser of instance-verbs based on the specified targets The user arguments The instances of the verb classes Executes a generic console static parser of a specified type The type of the parser The user arguments Executes a generic console parser of a specified type The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class Executes a generic console static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic console parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes a generic console static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic console parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes a generic console static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic console parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes a generic console static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic console parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes a generic console static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic console parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of 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parser based on the specified types Executes a parser of instance-verbs based on the specified targets The user arguments The instances of the verb classes Executes a generic static parser of a specified type The type of the parser The user arguments Executes a generic parser of a specified type The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class Executes a generic static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes a generic static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes a generic static parser of some specified types The user arguments 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An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes a generic static parser of some specified types The user arguments Executes a generic parser of some specified types The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The type of the parser The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Validates all the parameters against an expression "param1 > param2" For full documentation, see MSDN: Validates all the parameters against an expression param1 > param2 For full documentation, see MSDN: The expression to validate The expression to validate Whether to use case-sensitive comparison when validating the expression A parameter descriptor The default value The default value provider Whether this parameter is required The names of the parameter, as defined by the Parameter attribute and the additional names The parameter description The this parameter describes A command-line arguments parser of the specified type Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Executes the parser based on the specified targets The user arguments An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class An instance of the verb class Marks a method to run before each verb is executed Directory exists validation: The string value of the marked parameter or property must be a path to an existing directory Validates a collection of named parameters or properties against a boolean expression The expression Whether the expression should be treated as case-sensitive A helper for file reading to allow mocking for tests Marks a method to be executed when an exception occurs. The method may only accept one parameter of type CLAP.ExceptionContext This method is called via reflection A method descriptor The names of the method, as defined by the Verb attribute and the additional names The description of the method The this method describes Whether this verb is the default verb of the class Creates a map of the input arguments and their string values Create a list of parameters for the given method Create a list of methods (verbs) for the given type Handles any global parameter that has any input Handles any registered global parameter that has any input Handles any defined global parameter that has any input A parameter The default value The default provider type The type must derive from CLAP.DefaultProvider. A parameter cannot have both a Default and a DefaultProvider defined. Whether this parameter is required The parameter additional names The description of the verb. Used to generate the help string