Line | |
1 | ILMerge version 2.12.803.0
2 | Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2004-2006. All rights reserved.
3 | ILMerge /log:log.txt /out:C:\Users\home\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\posUpdate\posUpdate\bin\Release\posUpdate.exe C:\Users\home\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\posUpdate\posUpdate\bin\Release\CLAP.dll
4 | Set platform to 'v2', using directory 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\..\v2.0.50727' for mscorlib.dll
5 | Running on Microsoft (R) .NET Framework v2.0.50727
6 | mscorlib.dll version =
7 | The list of input assemblies is:
8 | Studio
9 | 2012\Projects\posUpdate\posUpdate\bin\Release\posUpdate.exe
10 | C:\Users\home\Documents\Visual
11 | Studio
12 | 2012\Projects\posUpdate\posUpdate\bin\Release\CLAP.dll
13 | Duplicate assembly name 'Studio'.
14 | An exception occurred during merging:
15 | ILMerge.Merge: Duplicate assembly name 'Studio'.
16 | em ILMerging.ILMerge.Merge()
17 | em ILMerging.ILMerge.Main(String[] args)
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