Changeset 1185 for ValBot

Aug 15, 2023, 4:03:16 AM (20 months ago)

ValBot: and have been restructured significantly and will now follow standard wiki redirects instead of telling the user to follow them.

3 edited


  • ValBot/Python/

    r1180 r1185  
    1414import pywikibot
     15import bs4
    1516import re
    1617import requests # for listing members with dir()
    3334iw_found = 0
    3435errors_issued = 0
     36name_printed = 0
     38# Prints the name of a page on which something occurred, if it has not been printed before
     39def possibly_print(page_name):
     40   global debug
     41   global name_printed
     43   if not name_printed and not debug:
     44      pywikibot.stdout('')
     45      pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
     46      name_printed = 1
     48# Search a page for the section specified in the link
     49def find_section(page_text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, print_result):
     50   global errors_issued
     52   # Isolate section link
     53   target_page_name, anchor_name = page_slug.split('#')
     54   target_page_name_human = target_page_name.replace('_', ' ')
     56   # Convert dot-notation hex entities to proper characters
     57   anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.22', '"')
     58   anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.27', '\'')
     59   anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.28', '(')
     60   anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.29', ')')
     62   # Read linked page to see if it really has this anchor link
     63   soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, 'html.parser')
     64   found_section = False
     65   for span_tag in soup.findAll('span'): # search for span with ID matching the section name
     66      span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
     67      if span_name == anchor_name:
     68         found_section = True
     69         break
     70   if found_section == False:
     71      for span_tag in soup.findAll('div'): # search for div with ID matching the section name
     72         span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
     73         if span_name == anchor_name:
     74            found_section = True
     75            break
     76   if found_section == False:
     77      possibly_print(page_name)
     78      pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Could not find section "{0}" on {1} page "{2}".'.format(anchor_name, prefix, target_page_name_human))
     79      errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
     80   elif print_result == True:
     81      pywikibot.stdout('   The section "{0}" was found on {1} page "{2}".'.format(anchor_name, prefix, target_page_name_human))
     83# For a link that redirected us to another page, extract the name of the target page from
     84# the target page's source
     85def find_canonical_link(page_text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url):
     86   # Extract link from this markup which contains name of redirected-to page:
     87   # <link rel="canonical" href=""/>
     88   canonical_name = page_text.split('<link rel="canonical" href="')[-1]
     89   prefix_length = len(prefix_url)
     90   canonical_name = canonical_name[prefix_length:]
     91   tag_end = canonical_name.find('">')
     93   if tag_end == -1:
     94      pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect page, but this script could not isolate the target page name.'.format(prefix, page_slug))
     95      errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
     96   else:
     97      canonical_name = canonical_name[:tag_end]
     98      if len(canonical_name) > 100:
     99         # Certain things can cause the trim to fail; report error and avoid slamming the
     100         # output with massive page source from a failed trim
     101         pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}…" (string overflow).'.format(prefix, page_slug, canonical_name[:100]))
     102         errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
     103      else:
     104         canonical_name = canonical_name.replace('_', ' ')
     105         if '#' in page_slug:
     106            _, anchor_name = page_slug.split('#')
     107            pywikibot.stdout('   The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}#{3}", which is a valid page. Checking section link….'.format(prefix, page_slug, canonical_name, anchor_name))
     108            find_section(page_text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, True)
     109         else:
     110            pywikibot.stdout('   The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}", which is a valid page.'.format(prefix, page_slug, canonical_name))
     112# Test an interwiki link and look for a section link if applicable
     113def test_interwiki_link(prefix, prefix_url, iw_url, page_name, page_slug):
     114   global errors_issued
     116   response = fetch(iw_url)
     118   # One way we tell that a redirect occurred is by checking fetch's history, as it
     119   # automatically follows redirects. This will catch formal redirects which come from pages
     120   # such as Special:PermanentLink.
     121   if response.history != []:
     122      possibly_print(page_name)
     124      if page_slug.startswith('WP:') and page_slug == page_slug.upper():
     125         pywikibot.stdout('   Got redirection code "{0}" for {1} link "{2}". This appears to be a deliberate use of a Wikipedia shortcut. Checking the target page….'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_slug))
     126         find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url)
     127      else:
     128         permalink1 = 'Special:PermanentLink/'.lower()
     129         permalink2 = 'Special:Permalink/'.lower()
     130         page_slug_lower = page_slug.lower()
     131         if page_slug_lower.startswith(permalink1) or page_slug_lower.startswith(permalink2):
     132            pywikibot.stdout('   Got redirection code "{0}" for {1} permanent revision link "{2}". Checking the target page….'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_slug))
     133            find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url)
     134         else:
     135            pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Unrecognized type of redirection (code "{0}") for {1} link "{2}". You should check the link manually.'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_slug))
     136            errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
     137   elif response.status_code != 200:
     138      possibly_print(page_name)
     139      pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Got response code {0} for {1} link "{2}". The page may not exist.'.format(response.status_code, prefix, page_slug))
     140      errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
     141   # However the usual way that a redirect occurs is that MediaWiki redirects us sneakily
     142   # using JavaScript, while returning code OK 200 as if the link was correct; this happens
     143   # when a redirect page is accessed. We must detect these soft redirects by looking at the
     144   # page source to find the redirect note inserted at the top of the page for the reader.
     145   elif 'Redirected from <a' in response.text:
     146      possibly_print(page_name)
     147      pywikibot.stdout('   Got silently redirected by {0} link "{1}". Checking the target page….'.format(prefix, page_slug))
     148      find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, prefix_url)
     149   elif '#' in page_slug:
     150      find_section(response.text, page_name, page_slug, prefix, False)
    36152# Searches the given page text for interwiki links
    39155   global pages_checked
    40156   global iw_found
    41    global errors_issued
     157   global name_printed
    42158   pages_checked = pages_checked + 1
    43    cur = 0
     159   cur_prefix = 0
    44160   name_printed = 0
    52168         e = match.end() - 1
    54          # Sometimes we used a space char. instead of a '_', so fix that before querying
    55          page_title = page_text[s:e].replace(' ', '_')
    57          # Use only spaces for title when printing it
    58          page_title_human = page_title.replace('_', ' ')
     170         # Commonly we use spaces instead of underscores, so fix that before querying
     171         page_slug = page_text[s:e].replace(' ', '_')
     173         # But use spaces for title when printing it
     174         page_title_human = page_slug.replace('_', ' ')
    59175         if debug: pywikibot.stdout('   Validating {0} link "{1}"'.format(prefix, page_title_human))
    60176         iw_found = iw_found + 1
    62178         # Construct full URL for the particular wiki
    63          iw_url = interwiki_urls[cur] + page_title
     179         iw_url = interwiki_urls[cur_prefix] + page_slug
    65181         # Adjust URL if this is a foreign-language WP link
    66          if re.match("^[a-zA-Z]{2}:", page_title):
    67             lang_code = page_title[0:2] + "."
     182         if re.match("^[a-zA-Z]{2}:", page_slug):
     183            lang_code = page_slug[0:2] + "."
    68184            # "wp:" is the Wikipedia: namespace, not a language
    69185            if lang_code != "wp." and lang_code != "WP.":
    70186               iw_url = iw_url.replace('en.', lang_code)
    71                iw_url = iw_url.replace(page_title[0:3], '')
     187               iw_url = iw_url.replace(page_slug[0:3], '')
    73189         # Test the URL
    74          response = fetch(iw_url)
    76          # One way we tell that a redirect occurred is by checking the history
    77          if response.history != []:
    78             if not name_printed and not debug:
    79                pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    80                name_printed = 1
    81             if page_title.startswith('WP:') and page_title == page_title.upper():
    82                pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Got redirection code ({0}) for {1} link "{2}", but this appears to be a deliberate use of a Wikipedia shortcut. You should check the link manually.'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_title))
    83             else:
    84                pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Got redirection code ({0}) for {1} link "{2}". You should check the link manually.'.format(response.history[0], prefix, page_title))
    85             errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
    86          elif response.status_code != 200:
    87             if not name_printed and not debug:
    88                pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    89                name_printed = 1
    90             pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Got response code {0} for {1} link "{2}". The page may not exist.'.format(response.status_code, prefix, page_title))
    91             errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
    92          # The usual way that a redirect occurs is that MediaWiki redirects us sneakily
    93          # using JavaScript, while returning code OK 200 as if the link was correct; we
    94          # must detect this from the page source
    95          elif 'Redirected from <a' in response.text:
    96             if not name_printed and not debug:
    97                pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    98                name_printed = 1
    99             # Extract link from this source which contains name of redirected-to page:
    100             # <link rel="canonical" href=""/>
    101             canonical_name = response.text.split('<link rel="canonical" href="')[-1]
    102             prefix_length = len(interwiki_urls[cur])
    103             canonical_name = canonical_name[prefix_length:]
    104             tag_end = canonical_name.find('"/>')
    105             if tag_end == -1:
    106                pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect page, but this script could not isolate the target page name.', format(prefix, page_title))
    107             else:
    108                canonical_name = canonical_name[:tag_end]
    109                if len(canonical_name) > 100:
    110                  # Certain things can cause the trim to fail; here we avoid slamming
    111                  # the output with massive page source from a failed trim
    112                  pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}…" (string trimmed to 100 chars).'.format(prefix, page_title, canonical_name[:100]))
    113                else:
    114                  canonical_name = canonical_name.replace('_', ' ')
    115                  pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: The {0} link "{1}" is a redirect to "{2}".'.format(prefix, page_title, canonical_name))
    116             errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
    117          elif '#' in page_title:
    118             # Isolate section link
    119             target_page_name, anchor_name = page_title.split('#')
    121             # Convert dot-notation hex entities to proper characters
    122             anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.22', '"')
    123             anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.27', '\'')
    124             anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.28', '(')
    125             anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('.29', ')')
    127             # Read linked page to see if it really has this anchor link
    128             soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
    129             found_section = False
    130             for span_tag in soup.findAll('span'):
    131                span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
    132                if span_name == anchor_name:
    133                   found_section = True
    134                   break
    135             if found_section == False:
    136                if not name_printed and not debug:
    137                   pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    138                   name_printed = 1
    139                target_page_name_human = target_page_name.replace('_', ' ')
    140                pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Could not find section "{0}" on {1} page "{2}".'.format(anchor_name, prefix, target_page_name_human))
    141                errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
    142       cur = cur + 1
     190         test_interwiki_link(prefix, interwiki_urls[cur_prefix], iw_url, page_name, page_slug)
     191      cur_prefix = cur_prefix + 1
     193# Print a wrap-up message
     194def print_summary():
     195   global pages_checked
     196   global iw_found
     197   global errors_issued
     199   page_str = "pages"
     200   if pages_checked == 1:
     201      page_str = "page"
     203   link_str = "links"
     204   if iw_found == 1:
     205      link_str = "link"
     207   pywikibot.stdout('Checked {0} {1} and found {2} interwiki {3}.'.format(pages_checked, page_str, iw_found, link_str))
     209   error_str = "errors were"
     210   if errors_issued == 1:
     211      error_str = "error was"
     213   pywikibot.stdout('{0} {1} encountered in validating these links.'.format(errors_issued, error_str))
     215# Main function
    144216def main(*args):
    145217   global debug
    147219   search_page = ''
     221   # Process arguments
    149222   local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
    150    genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
    152223   for arg in local_args:
    153224      if arg.startswith('-cat:'):
    158229         debug = 1
    159230      else:
    160          pywikibot.stdout('Unknown argument "{}".'.format(arg))
     231         pywikibot.stdout('Unknown argument "{}". Exiting.'.format(arg))
    161232         return
    163    site = pywikibot.Site()
    165234   #pywikibot.stdout('The members of the requests.models.Response class are:')
    166235   #pywikibot.stdout(format(dir(requests.models.Response)))
     236   #return
     238   # Check specified page or loop through specified category and check all pages
     239   site = pywikibot.Site()
    168240   if search_cat != '':
    169241      cat_obj = pywikibot.Category(site, search_cat)
    177249      scan_for_interwiki_links(page.text, page.title())
    179    global pages_checked
    180    global iw_found
    181    global errors_issued
    183    page_str = "pages"
    184    if pages_checked == 1:
    185       page_str = "page"
    187    link_str = "links"
    188    if iw_found == 1:
    189       link_str = "link"
    191    pywikibot.stdout('Checked {0} {1} and found {2} interwiki {3}.'.format(pages_checked, page_str, iw_found, link_str))
    193    error_str = "errors were"
    194    if errors_issued == 1:
    195       error_str = "error was"
    197    pywikibot.stdout('{0} {1} encountered in validating these links.'.format(errors_issued, error_str))
     251   # Print the results
     252   print_summary()
    199254if __name__ == '__main__':
  • ValBot/Python/

    r1179 r1185  
    2727onigalore_url = ''
    29 # Tuple of interwiki prefixes, for passing over such links
     29# Tuple of interwiki prefixes, for recognizing and passing over such links
    3030interwiki_prefixes = ('acronym', 'cache', 'commons', 'dictionary', 'google', 'metawikimedia', 'mw', 'wikibooks', 'wikidata', 'wikimedia', 'wikinews', 'wikipedia', 'wikiquote', 'wikisource', 'wikispecies', 'wikiversity', 'wikivoyage', 'wikt', 'wiktionary', 'wp')
    4444advice_issued = 0
    4545errors_issued = 0
     46name_printed = 0
     48# Prints the name of a page on which something occurred, if it has not been printed before
     49def possibly_print(page_name):
     50   global debug
     51   global name_printed
     53   if not name_printed and not debug:
     54      pywikibot.stdout('')
     55      pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
     56      name_printed = 1
     58# Search a page for the section specified in the link
     59def find_section(page_text, page_name, page_slug, print_result):
     60   global errors_issued
     62   # Isolate section link
     63   target_page_name, anchor_name = page_slug.split('#', 1)
     64   target_page_name_human = target_page_name.replace('_', ' ')
     65   if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Searching for section link {} on page.'.format(anchor_name))
     67   # Convert slash character to the dot-notation hex encoding that MediaWiki uses
     68   anchor_name = anchor_name.replace('/', '.2F')
     70   # Read linked page to see if it really has this anchor link
     71   soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, 'html.parser')
     72   found_section = False
     73   for span_tag in soup.findAll('span'):
     74      span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
     75      if span_name == anchor_name:
     76         if debug and not print_result: pywikibot.stdout('         Found section in a span!')
     77         found_section = True
     78         break
     79   if found_section == False:
     80      # Search for a div with this ID
     81      for span_tag in soup.findAll('div'):
     82         span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
     83         if span_name == anchor_name:
     84            if debug and not print_result: pywikibot.stdout('         Found section in a div!')
     85            found_section = True
     86            break
     87   if found_section == False:
     88      possibly_print(page_name)
     89      pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Could not find section "{0}" on page {1}!'.format(anchor_name, pre_section))
     90      errors_issued += 1
     91   elif debug and print_result:
     92      pywikibot.stdout('   The section "{0}" was found on page "{1}".'.format(anchor_name, target_page_name_human))
     94# For a link that redirected us to another page, extract the name of the target page from
     95# the target page's source
     96def find_canonical_link(page_text, page_name, page_slug):
     97   # Extract link from this markup which contains name of redirected-to page:
     98   # <link rel="canonical" href=""/>
     99   # "wgPageName":"Namespace:Page_name",
     100   canonical_name = page_text.split('"wgPageName":"')[-1]
     101   tag_end = canonical_name.find('",')
     103   if tag_end == -1:
     104      pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: The link "{}" is a redirect page, but this script could not isolate the target page name.'.format(page_slug))
     105      errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
     106   else:
     107      canonical_name = canonical_name[:tag_end]
     108      if len(canonical_name) > 100:
     109         # Certain things can cause the trim to fail; report error and avoid slamming the
     110         # output with massive page source from a failed trim
     111         pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: The link "{}" is a redirect to "{2}…" (string overflow).'.format(page_slug, canonical_name[:100]))
     112         errors_issued = errors_issued + 1
     113      else:
     114         canonical_name = canonical_name.replace('_', ' ')
     115         if '#' in page_slug:
     116            _, anchor_name = page_slug.split('#')
     117            if debug: pywikibot.stdout('   The link "{0}" is a redirect to "{1}#{2}", which is a valid page. Checking section link….'.format(page_slug, canonical_name, anchor_name))
     118            find_section(page_text, page_name, page_slug, True)
     119         else:
     120            pywikibot.stdout('   The link "{0}" is a redirect to "{1}", which is a valid page.'.format(page_slug, canonical_name))
     122# Test an intrawiki link and look for a section link if applicable
     123def test_intrawiki_link(iw_url, page_name, page_slug):
     124   global advice_issued
     125   global errors_issued
     127   response = fetch(iw_url)
     129   # One way we tell that a redirect occurred is by checking fetch's history, as it
     130   # automatically follows redirects. This will catch formal redirects which come from pages
     131   # such as Special:PermanentLink.
     132   if response.history != []:
     134      permalink1 = 'Special:PermanentLink/'.lower()
     135      permalink2 = 'Special:Permalink/'.lower()
     136      page_slug_lower = page_slug.lower()
     137      if page_slug_lower.startswith(permalink1) or page_slug_lower.startswith(permalink2):
     138         if debug:
     139            possibly_print(page_name)
     140            pywikibot.stdout('   Got redirection code "{0}" for permanent revision link "{1}". Checking the target page….'.format(response.history[0], page_slug))
     141         find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug)
     142      else:
     143         possibly_print(page_name)
     144         pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Unrecognized type of redirection (code "{0}") for link "{1}". You should check the link manually.'.format(response.history[0], page_slug))
     145         advice_issued += 1
     146   elif response.status_code != 200:
     147      possibly_print(page_name)
     148      pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Got response code {0} on URL {1}. The target page may not exist.'.format(response.status_code, iw_url))
     149      errors_issued += 1
     150   # However the usual way that a redirect occurs is that MediaWiki redirects us sneakily
     151   # using JavaScript, while returning code OK 200 as if the link was correct; this happens
     152   # when a redirect page is accessed. We must detect these soft redirects by looking at the
     153   # page source to find the redirect note inserted at the top of the page for the reader.
     154   elif 'Redirected from <a' in response.text:
     155      if debug:
     156         possibly_print(page_name)
     157         pywikibot.stdout('   Got silently redirected by link "{}". Checking the target page….'.format(page_slug))
     158      find_canonical_link(response.text, page_name, page_slug)
     159   else: # URL is OK, so proceed
     160      find_section(response.text, page_name, page_slug, False)
    47162# Searches the given page text for intrawiki links with section links in them
    52167   global advice_issued
    53168   global errors_issued
     169   global name_printed
    54170   pages_checked += 1
    55171   name_printed = 0
    75191         s = match.start() + target_start # remove the link-opening markup
    76192         e = match.end() - target_end # remove the link-ending markup
    77          link_text = page_text[s:e]
     193         page_slug = page_text[s:e]
    79195         # The second link type will look like "Page|Section" or "|Section", so fix that pipe
    80196         if i == 1:
    81             link_text = link_text.replace('|', '#')
     197            page_slug = page_slug.replace('|', '#')
    83199         # Sometimes we use a space char. instead of a '_', so fix that before querying
    84          link_text = link_text.replace(' ', '_')
    85          if debug: pywikibot.stdout('      Found link {0}.'.format(link_text))
     200         page_slug = page_slug.replace(' ', '_')
     201         if debug: pywikibot.stdout('      Found link {0}.'.format(page_slug))
    87203         # If this link doesn't have a section link in it, then we don't care about it, as
    88204         # MediaWiki takes care of checking basic intrawiki links
    89          if not '#' in link_text:
     205         if not '#' in page_slug:
    90206            if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Link doesn\'t have a section anchor in it. Skipping.')
    91207            continue
    96212         if found_iw_match == False:
    97213            for prefix in interwiki_prefixes:
    98                if prefix + ":" in link_text:
    99                   if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Skipping link {} because it is an interwiki link.'.format(link_text))
     214               if prefix + ":" in page_slug:
     215                  if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Skipping link {} because it is an interwiki link.'.format(page_slug))
    100216                  is_interwiki = True
    101217                  break
    103219            continue
    105          # If there is a '{' in the link, then probably it's a link built on transcluded text
    106          # like "Quotes/Diary#{{C3}}", which we cannot expand and work with, so skip it
    107          if '{' in link_text:
     221         # If there is a '{' in the link, then probably it's a link built on transcluded text.
     222         # If it's a chapter template transclusion like "Quotes/Diary#{{C3}}", expand it using
     223         # our "chapter_names" array. If it's another type of transclusion, punt it to the user.
     224         if '{' in page_slug:
    108225            ch_link_pattern = re.compile(r"{{C[0-9]*}}")
    109             ch_link =
     226            ch_link =
    110227            if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Found transclusion in link: "{}".'.format(
    111228            if ch_link:
    118235                     ch_name = chapter_names[ch_num_match]
    119236                     replace_pattern = re.compile(r"{{C" + + r"}}")
    120                      link_text = replace_pattern.sub(ch_name, link_text)
    121                      if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         After performing transclusion, link is now "{}".'.format(link_text))
     237                     page_slug = replace_pattern.sub(ch_name, page_slug)
     238                     if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         After performing transclusion, link is now "{}".'.format(page_slug))
    122239                  else:
    123                      if not name_printed and not debug:
    124                         pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    125                         name_printed = 1
    126                      pywikibot.stdout('   ADVICE: Link {0} transcludes a chapter name using an out-of-range number, {1}.'.format(link_text, ch_num_match))
    127                      advice_issued += 1
     240                     possibly_print(page_name)
     241                     pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Link {0} transcludes a chapter name using an out-of-range number, {1}.'.format(page_slug, ch_num_match))
     242                     errors_issued += 1
    128243                     continue
    129244               else:
    130                   if not name_printed and not debug:
    131                      pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    132                      name_printed = 1
    133                   pywikibot.stdout('   ADVICE: Link {} seems to be transcluding a chapter name, but this script couldn\'t read it.'.format(link_text))
     245                  possibly_print(page_name)
     246                  pywikibot.stdout('   ADVICE: Link {} seems to be transcluding a chapter name, but this script couldn\'t read it.'.format(page_slug))
    134247                  advice_issued += 1
    135248                  continue
    136249            else:
    137                if not name_printed and not debug:
    138                   pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    139                   name_printed = 1
    140                pywikibot.stdout('   ADVICE: Link {0} seems to use transclusion. This script can understand chapter name transclusions such as "{1}" but it doesn\'t recognize this one so it can\'t be verified. You should check the link manually.'.format(link_text, "{{C7}}"))
     250               possibly_print(page_name)
     251               pywikibot.stdout('   ADVICE: Link {0} seems to use transclusion. This script can understand chapter name transclusions such as "{1}" but it doesn\'t recognize this one so it can\'t be verified. You should check the link manually.'.format(page_slug, "{{C7}}"))
    141252               advice_issued += 1
    142253               continue
    145256         # that only a leading slash is looked for, so if there's multiple steps down ("/x/y"),
    146257         # we're out of luck.
    147          if link_text.startswith('/'):
    148             link_text = page_name + link_text
    149             if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Changed link_text to {} on account of "/".'.format(link_text))
     258         if page_slug.startswith('/'):
     259            page_slug = page_name + page_slug
     260            if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Changed page_slug to {} on account of "/".'.format(page_slug))
    151262         # If this is a relative "../" link, find the parent page, set ourselves to that page,
    152263         # then remove the relative portion of the link. Note that this is only performed once,
    153264         # so if there's multiple steps back ("../../"), we're out of luck.
    154          if link_text.startswith('../'):
     265         if page_slug.startswith('../'):
    155266            last_slash = page_name.rfind('/')
    156267            page_name2 = page_name[0:last_slash]
    157268            if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Changed page_name to {} on account of "../".'.format(page_name2))
    158             link_text = link_text[3:len(link_text)]
    159             if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Changed link_text to {} on account of "../".'.format(link_text))
     269            page_slug = page_slug[3:len(page_slug)]
     270            if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Changed page_slug to {} on account of "../".'.format(page_slug))
    160271            # If this is now going to be a bare section link for the parent page, don't add a
    161272            # slash, otherwise do because we are drilling down to another subpage
    162             if link_text.startswith('#'):
    163                link_text = page_name2 + link_text
     273            if page_slug.startswith('#'):
     274               page_slug = page_name2 + page_slug
    164275            else:
    165                link_text = page_name2 + '/' + link_text
     276               page_slug = page_name2 + '/' + page_slug
    167278         # If this is a bare section link, build URL based on this page
    168          if link_text.startswith('#'):
     279         if page_slug.startswith('#'):
    169280            iw_url = onigalore_url + page_name2
    170281            iw_found += 1
    171             if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Found link to this very page, {}.'.format(link_text))
     282            if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Found link to this very page, {}.'.format(page_slug))
    172283            found_iw_match = True
    173             link_text = page_name2 + link_text
     284            page_slug = page_name2 + page_slug
    175286         # If there's no ":" in the link (before the section link, where a colon would just be
    176287         # part of the text) then it's a Main namespace article; proceed with building URL
    177288         if found_iw_match == False:
    178             if not":.*#", link_text):
    179                iw_url = onigalore_url + link_text
     289            if not":.*#", page_slug):
     290               iw_url = onigalore_url + page_slug
    180291               iw_found += 1
    181292               if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Link is to a Main namespace page.')
    186297         if found_iw_match == False:
    187298            for prefix in intrawiki_prefixes:
    188                if prefix + ":" in link_text:
    189                   iw_url = onigalore_url + link_text
     299               if prefix + ":" in page_slug:
     300                  iw_url = onigalore_url + page_slug
    190301                  if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Identified namespace {}.'.format(prefix))
    191302                  iw_found += 1
    195306         # If we still haven't turned this match into a URL, something's gone wrong
    196307         if (found_iw_match == False) or (iw_url == ""):
    197             if not name_printed and not debug:
    198                pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    199                name_printed = 1
    200             pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Couldn\'t figure out link {}.'.format(link_text))
     308            possibly_print(page_name)
     309            pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Couldn\'t figure out link {}.'.format(page_slug))
    201310            continue
    203312         # Test the URL
    204313         iw_url = iw_url.replace(' ', '_')
    205          if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Reading page at {}...'.format(iw_url))
    206          response = fetch(iw_url)
    208          # Redirects are followed automatically by fetch() and treated as "200"s; the way we can
    209          # tell that a redirect occurred is by checking fetch's history
    210          if response.history != []:
    211             if not name_printed and not debug:
    212                pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    213                name_printed = 1
    214             pywikibot.stdout('   ADVICE: Got redirection code ({0}) on URL "{1}". You should check the link manually.'.format(response.history[0], iw_url))
    215             advice_issued += 1
    216          elif response.status_code != 200:
    217             if not name_printed and not debug:
    218                pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    219                name_printed = 1
    220             pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Got response code {0} on URL {1}. The target page may not exist.'.format(response.status_code, iw_url))
    221             errors_issued += 1
    222          else:
    223             # Isolate section link
    224             pre_section, section_name = link_text.split('#', 1)
    225             if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Searching for section link {} on page.'.format(section_name))
    227             # Convert slash character to the dot-notation hex encoding that MediaWiki uses
    228             section_name = section_name.replace('/', '.2F')
    230             # Read linked page to see if it really has this anchor link
    231             soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
    232             found_section = False
    233             for span_tag in soup.findAll('span'):
    234                span_name = span_tag.get('id', None)
    235                if span_name == section_name:
    236                   if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Found section!')
    237                   found_section = True
    238                   break
    239             if found_section == False:
    240                if not name_printed and not debug:
    241                   pywikibot.stdout('From page "{}":'.format(page_name))
    242                   name_printed = 1
    243                pywikibot.stdout('   ERROR: Could not find section {0} on page {1}!'.format(section_name, pre_section))
    244                errors_issued += 1
    246 def main(*args):
    247    global debug
     314         if debug: pywikibot.stdout('         Reading page at {}….'.format(iw_url))
     315         test_intrawiki_link(iw_url, page_name, page_slug)
     317# Print a wrap-up message
     318def print_summary():
    248319   global pages_checked
    249320   global iw_found
    250321   global advice_issued
    251322   global errors_issued
     324   page_str = "pages"
     325   if pages_checked == 1:
     326      page_str = "page"
     328   link_str = "links"
     329   if iw_found == 1:
     330      link_str = "link"
     332   pywikibot.stdout('Checked {0} {1} and found {2} intrawiki {3}.'.format(pages_checked, page_str, iw_found, link_str))
     333   pywikibot.stdout('While attempting to follow section links….')
     335   if advice_issued == 0:
     336      pywikibot.stdout('   No advice on potential problems was issued.')
     337   elif advice_issued == 1:
     338      pywikibot.stdout('   1 piece of advice on a potential problem was issued.')
     339   else:
     340      pywikibot.stdout('   {} pieces of advice on potential problems were issued.'.format(advice_issued))
     342   error_str = "errors were"
     343   if errors_issued == 1:
     344      error_str = "error was"
     345   pywikibot.stdout('   {0} {1} encountered.'.format(errors_issued, error_str))
     347# Main function
     348def main(*args):
     349   global debug
    252350   search_cat = ''
    253351   search_page = ''
     353   # Process arguments
    255354   local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
    256    genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
    258355   for arg in local_args:
    259356      if arg.startswith('-cat:'):
    272369   #pywikibot.stdout(format(dir(page)))
     371   # Check specified page or loop through specified category and check all pages
    274372   if search_cat != '':
    275373      cat_obj = pywikibot.Category(site, search_cat)
    283381      scan_for_intrawiki_links(page.text, page.title())
    285    page_str = "pages"
    286    if pages_checked == 1:
    287       page_str = "page"
    289    link_str = "links"
    290    if iw_found == 1:
    291       link_str = "link"
    293    pywikibot.stdout('Checked {0} {1} and found {2} intrawiki {3}.'.format(pages_checked, page_str, iw_found, link_str))
    294    pywikibot.stdout('While attempting to follow section links...')
    296    if advice_issued == 0:
    297       pywikibot.stdout('   No advice on potential problems was issued.')
    298    elif advice_issued == 1:
    299       pywikibot.stdout('   1 piece of advice on a potential problem was issued.')
    300    else:
    301       pywikibot.stdout('   {} pieces of advice on potential problems were issued.'.format(advice_issued))
    303    error_str = "errors were"
    304    if errors_issued == 1:
    305       error_str = "error was"
    306    pywikibot.stdout('   {0} {1} encountered.'.format(errors_issued, error_str))
     383   # Print the results
     384   print_summary()
    308386if __name__ == '__main__':
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.