Changeset 245 for oup/current
- Timestamp:
- Aug 18, 2007, 5:51:42 PM (18 years ago)
- Location:
- oup/current
- Files:
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r233 r245 18 18 19 19 procedure TFile_AKEV.InitDataFields; 20 var21 tempi: Integer;22 20 begin 23 21 inherited; 24 FDataFields := TBlock.Create(Self, nil, 0, 'Base', '', nil);22 FDataFields := TBlock.Create(Self, nil, 'Base', '', []); 25 23 with FDataFields do 26 24 begin 27 AddField(TFileID, $00, 'FileID', '', nil); 28 AddField(TLevelID, $04, 'LevelID', '', nil); 25 AddField(TFileID, 'FileID', '', []); 26 AddField(TLevelID, 'LevelID', '', []); 27 28 AddField(TLinkByID, 'PNTA-link', 'Link to the 3D Point Array', ['PNTA']); 29 AddField(TLinkByID, 'PLEA-link', 'Link to the Plane Equation Array', ['PLEA']); 30 AddField(TLinkByID, 'TXCA-link', 'Link to the Texture Coordinate Array', ['TXCA']); 31 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AGQG-link', 'Link to the Gunk Quad General Array', ['AGQG']); 32 33 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AGQR-link', 'Link to the Gunk Quad Render Array', ['AGQR']); 34 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AGQC-link', 'Link to the Gunk Quad Collision Array', ['AGQC']); 35 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AGDB-link', 'Link to the Gunk Quad Debug Array', ['AGDB']); 36 AddField(TLinkByID, 'TXMA-link', 'Link to the Texture Map Array', ['TXMA']); 37 38 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AKVA-link', 'Link to the BNV Node Array', ['AKVA']); 39 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AKBA-link', 'Link to the Side Array', ['AKBA']); 40 AddField(TLinkByID, 'IDXA-link', 'Link to the Index Array', ['IDXA']); 41 AddField(TLinkByID, 'IDXA-link', 'Link to the Index Array', ['IDXA']); 42 43 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AKBP-link', 'Link to the BSP Node Array', ['AKBP']); 44 AddField(TLinkByID, 'ABNA-link', 'Link to the BSP Tree Node Array', ['ABNA']); 45 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AKOT-link', 'Link to the Oct Tree', ['AKOT']); 46 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AKAA-link', 'Link to the Adjacency Array', ['AKAA']); 47 48 AddField(TLinkByID, 'AKDA-link', 'Link to the Door Frame Array', ['AKDA']); 49 50 51 AddField(TFloat, 'Neg. x-coordinate', 'Maximal negative x-coordinate of the level model', []); 52 AddField(TFloat, 'Neg. y-coordinate', 'Maximal negative y-coordinate of the level model', []); 53 AddField(TFloat, 'Neg. z-coordinate', 'Maximal negative z-coordinate of the level model', []); 54 55 AddField(TFloat, 'Pos. x-coordinate', 'Maximal positive x-coordinate of the level model', []); 56 AddField(TFloat, 'Pos. y-coordinate', 'Maximal positive y-coordinate of the level model', []); 57 AddField(TFloat, 'Pos. z-coordinate', 'Maximal positive z-coordinate of the level model', []); 58 59 AddField(TUnused, 'Not used', '', [1024]); 60 AddField(TFloat, 'Unknown', 'Unknown; maybe the tolerance', []); 29 61 end; 62 FDataFields.Update(0, -1); 30 63 FFileStream.Free; 31 64 FFileStream := nil; -
r233 r245 4 4 5 5 uses 6 _FileTypes ;6 _FileTypes, Grids; 7 7 8 8 type 9 9 TFile_BINA = class(TFile) 10 procedure SetOpened(Opened: Boolean); override; 11 private 12 maintype: String; 13 subtype: String; 14 grid: TStringGrid; 15 (* panel: TPanel; 16 save: TButton; *) 17 procedure saveclick(Sender: TObject); 10 18 public 11 19 procedure InitDataFields; override; 20 procedure InitEditor; override; 12 21 end; 13 22 … … 15 24 16 25 uses 17 ConnectionManager, Math, Classes, TypeDefs, _DataTypes, Forms, StdCtrls; 26 ConnectionManager, Math, Classes, TypeDefs, _DataTypes, Forms, StdCtrls, 27 Controls, StrUtils, Functions, SysUtils; 18 28 19 29 procedure TFile_BINA.InitDataFields; 20 var21 tempi: Integer;22 30 begin 23 31 inherited; 24 FDataFields := TBlock.Create(Self, nil, 0, 'Base', '', nil);32 FDataFields := TBlock.Create(Self, nil, 'Base', '', []); 25 33 with FDataFields do 26 34 begin 27 AddField(TFileID, $00, 'FileID', '', nil); 28 AddField(TLevelID, $04, 'LevelID', '', nil); 29 end; 35 AddField(TFileID, 'FileID', '', []); 36 AddField(TLevelID, 'LevelID', '', []); 37 38 AddField(TInt, 'RawSize', 'Size of the part in the raw file', [4]); 39 AddField(TRawLink, 'RawOffset', 'At this position starts the part in the raw/sep file', []); 40 41 AddField(TUnused, 'Not used', '', [16]); 42 end; 43 FDataFields.Update(0, -1); 30 44 FFileStream.Free; 31 45 FFileStream := nil; 32 46 end; 33 47 48 procedure TFile_BINA.InitEditor; 49 var 50 subsize: Integer; 51 begin 52 CacheAllRawFiles; 53 SetLength(maintype, 4); 54 FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Read(maintype[1], 4); 55 maintype := ReverseString(maintype); 56 if maintype = 'OBJC' then 57 begin 58 FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Seek($0C, soFromBeginning); 59 FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Read(subsize, 4); 60 if subsize > 0 then 61 begin 62 SetLength(subtype, 4); 63 FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Seek($10, soFromBeginning); 64 FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Read(subtype[1], 4); 65 subtype := ReverseString(subtype); 66 if subtype = 'CHAR' then 67 begin 68 end 69 else if subtype = 'CMBT' then 70 begin 71 end 72 else if subtype = 'CONS' then 73 begin 74 end 75 else if subtype = 'DOOR' then 76 begin 77 end 78 else if subtype = 'FLAG' then 79 begin 80 end 81 else if subtype = 'FURN' then 82 begin 83 end 84 else if subtype = 'MELE' then 85 begin 86 end 87 else if subtype = 'NEUT' then 88 begin 89 end 90 else if subtype = 'PART' then 91 begin 92 end 93 else if subtype = 'PATR' then 94 begin 95 end 96 else if subtype = 'PWRU' then 97 begin 98 end 99 else if subtype = 'SNDG' then 100 begin 101 end 102 else if subtype = 'TRGV' then 103 begin 104 FEditor := TFrame.Create(nil); 105 grid := TStringGrid.Create(FEditor); 106 grid.Align := alClient; 107 grid.DefaultRowHeight := 18; 108 grid.DefaultColWidth := 100; 109 grid.ColCount := 8; 110 grid.RowCount := 2; 111 grid.FixedRows := 1; 112 grid.FixedCols := 0; 113 grid.ColWidths[0] := 150; 114 grid.ColWidths[1] := 125; 115 grid.ColWidths[2] := 125; 116 grid.ColWidths[3] := 125; 117 grid.Cells[0, 0] := 'TrgName'; 118 grid.Cells[1, 0] := 'FuncName Enter'; 119 grid.Cells[2, 0] := 'FuncName Inside'; 120 grid.Cells[3, 0] := 'FuncName Leave'; 121 grid.Cells[4, 0] := 'Teams'; 122 grid.Cells[5, 0] := 'Settings'; 123 grid.Cells[6, 0] := 'X, Y, Z'; 124 grid.Cells[7, 0] := 'Size X, Y, Z'; 125 grid.Options := [goColSizing,goEditing, 126 goVertLine,goHorzLine,goFixedVertLine,goFixedHorzLine]; 127 grid.Parent := FEditor; 128 end 129 else if subtype = 'TRIG' then 130 begin 131 end 132 else if subtype = 'TURR' then 133 begin 134 end 135 else if subtype = 'WEAP' then 136 begin 137 end; 138 end; 139 end 140 else if maintype = 'ONIE' then 141 begin 142 end 143 else if maintype = 'PAR3' then 144 begin 145 end 146 else if maintype = 'SABD' then 147 begin 148 end 149 else if maintype = 'TMBD' then 150 begin 151 end; 152 153 DiscardAllRawCaches; 154 155 (* 156 panel := TPanel.Create(FEditor); 157 panel.Align := alBottom; 158 panel.Height := 30; 159 panel.Parent := FEditor; 160 save := TButton.Create(panel); 161 save.Top := 2; 162 save.Left := 2; 163 save.Width := 100; 164 save.Height := 26; 165 save.Caption := 'Save'; 166 save.OnClick := saveclick; 167 save.Parent := panel; *) 168 end; 169 170 procedure TFile_BINA.saveclick(Sender: TObject); 171 var 172 i,j: Integer; 173 temps: String; 174 fs: TFileStream; 175 offset: Integer; 176 begin 177 (* fs := TFileStream.Create('C:\Spiele\Oni\GameDataFolder\tests\messages_raw_recreated.hex', fmCreate); 178 179 i := grid.RowCount - 2; 180 FFileStream.Seek($1C, soFromBeginning); 181 FFileStream.Write(i, 4); 182 FFileStream.Size := $20 + i * 4; 183 184 for i := 0 to grid.RowCount - 2 do 185 begin 186 for j := 0 to 1 do 187 begin 188 if j = 0 then 189 begin 190 offset := fs.Size; 191 FFileStream.Seek($20 + i*4, soFromBeginning); 192 FFileStream.Write(offset, 4); 193 end; 194 temps := grid.Cells[j, i+1]; 195 SetLength(temps, Length(temps)+1); 196 temps[Length(temps)] := #0; 197 fs.Write(temps[1], Length(temps)); 198 end; 199 end; 200 fs.Free; 201 fs := TFileStream.Create('C:\Spiele\Oni\GameDataFolder\tests\messages_dat_recreated.hex', fmCreate); 202 ReCreateFile(fs); 203 fs.Free; 204 *)end; 205 206 207 procedure TFile_BINA.SetOpened(Opened: Boolean); 208 var 209 i: Integer; 210 cursize: Integer; 211 curoffset: Integer; 212 raw: TMemoryStream; 213 tempi: Integer; 214 temps: String; 215 j: Integer; 216 tempf: Single; 217 begin 218 inherited; 219 if Opened then 220 begin 221 CacheAllRawFiles; 222 raw := FRawCaches[0].RawStream; 223 224 if maintype = 'OBJC' then 225 begin 226 if subtype = 'TRGV' then 227 begin 228 i := 0; 229 curoffset := $0C; 230 raw.Seek(curoffset, soFromBeginning); 231 raw.Read(cursize, 4); 232 233 while cursize > 0 do 234 begin 235 Inc(i); 236 grid.RowCount := 1 + i; 237 grid.Cells[0, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $24); 238 grid.Cells[1, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $63); 239 grid.Cells[2, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $83); 240 grid.Cells[3, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $A3); 241 242 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $C3, soFromBeginning); 243 tempi := 0; 244 raw.Read(tempi, 1); 245 if tempi > 0 then 246 begin 247 temps := ''; 248 for j := 0 to 7 do 249 begin 250 if tempi and (1 shl j) > 0 then 251 begin 252 if Length(temps) > 0 then 253 temps := temps + ', ' + IntToStr(1 shl j) 254 else 255 temps := IntToStr(1 shl j); 256 end; 257 end; 258 end 259 else 260 temps := '0'; 261 grid.Cells[4, i] := temps; 262 263 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $15C, soFromBeginning); 264 tempi := 0; 265 raw.Read(tempi, 1); 266 if tempi > 0 then 267 begin 268 temps := ''; 269 for j := 0 to 7 do 270 begin 271 if tempi and (1 shl j) > 0 then 272 begin 273 if Length(temps) > 0 then 274 temps := temps + ', ' + IntToStr(1 shl j) 275 else 276 temps := IntToStr(1 shl j); 277 end; 278 end; 279 end 280 else 281 temps := '0'; 282 grid.Cells[5, i] := temps; 283 284 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $0C, soFromBeginning); 285 raw.Read(tempf, 4); 286 temps := FormatFloat('#0', tempf); 287 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $10, soFromBeginning); 288 raw.Read(tempf, 4); 289 temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); 290 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $14, soFromBeginning); 291 raw.Read(tempf, 4); 292 temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); 293 grid.Cells[6, i] := temps; 294 295 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $C7, soFromBeginning); 296 raw.Read(tempf, 4); 297 temps := FormatFloat('#0', tempf); 298 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $CB, soFromBeginning); 299 raw.Read(tempf, 4); 300 temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); 301 raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $CF, soFromBeginning); 302 raw.Read(tempf, 4); 303 temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); 304 grid.Cells[7, i] := temps; 305 306 curoffset := curoffset + cursize + 4; 307 raw.Seek(curoffset, soFromBeginning); 308 raw.Read(cursize, 4); 309 end; 310 end; 311 end; 312 end else 313 begin 314 Exit; 315 end; 316 end; 34 317 35 318 end. -
r241 r245 129 129 begin 130 130 CacheFile; 131 Cache RawFile($18);131 CacheAllRawFiles; 132 132 133 133 FFileStream.Seek($1C, soFromBeginning); … … 144 144 FFileStream.Seek($20 + i*4, soFromBeginning); 145 145 FFileStream.Read(offset, 4); 146 FRawCaches[0]. Seek(offset, soFromBeginning);146 FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Seek(offset, soFromBeginning); 147 147 end; 148 148 SetLength(temps, 200); … … 150 150 repeat 151 151 Inc(pos); 152 FRawCaches[0].R ead(temps[pos], 1);152 FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Read(temps[pos], 1); 153 153 until temps[pos] = #0; 154 154 SetLength(temps, pos - 1); -
r241 r245 8 8 9 9 type 10 TRawCache = record 11 DatOffset: Integer; 12 RawStream: TMemoryStream; 13 end; 14 10 15 TFile = class(TTreeElement) 11 16 protected 12 17 FFileInfo: TFileInfo; 13 18 FFileStream: TMemoryStream; 14 FRawCaches: array of T MemoryStream;19 FRawCaches: array of TRawCache; 15 20 16 21 FCached: Boolean; … … 28 33 function GetEditor: TFrame; 29 34 function GetFieldByOffset(Offset: Integer): TDataField; 35 function GetRawCacheID(Offset: Integer): Integer; 30 36 procedure SetOpened(Opened: Boolean); virtual; 31 37 published … … 41 47 procedure CacheFile; 42 48 procedure CacheRawFile(Offset: Integer); 49 procedure CacheAllRawFiles; 50 procedure DiscardFileCache; 51 procedure DiscardRawCache(Offset: Integer); 52 procedure DiscardAllRawCaches; 53 procedure StoreFileCache; 54 procedure StoreRawCache(Offset: Integer); 55 procedure StoreAllRawCaches; 43 56 44 57 property FileStream: TMemoryStream read FFileStream; … … 79 92 procedure TFile.CacheRawFile(Offset: Integer); 80 93 var 81 rawlist: TRawDataList; 82 i: Integer; 83 begin 84 rawlist := ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].GetRawList(FFileInfo.ID); 85 if Length(rawlist) > 0 then 94 i: Integer; 95 begin 96 for i := 0 to High(FRawCaches) do 86 97 begin 87 for i := 0 to High(rawlist) do98 if FRawCaches[i].DatOffset = Offset then 88 99 begin 89 if rawlist[i].SrcOffset = Offsetthen100 if not Assigned(FRawCaches[i].RawStream) then 90 101 begin 91 if not Assigned(FRawCaches[i]) then 92 begin 93 FRawCaches[i] := TMemoryStream.Create; 94 ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadRawFile(FFileInfo.ID, Offset, TStream(FRawCaches[i])); 95 end; 102 FRawCaches[i].RawStream := TMemoryStream.Create; 103 ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].LoadRawFile(FFileInfo.ID, Offset, TStream(FRawCaches[i].RawStream)); 96 104 end; 97 105 end; … … 99 107 end; 100 108 109 procedure TFile.CacheAllRawFiles; 110 var 111 i: Integer; 112 begin 113 for i := 0 to High(FRawCaches) do 114 CacheRawFile(FRawCaches[i].DatOffset); 115 end; 116 117 118 119 procedure TFile.DiscardFileCache; 120 begin 121 if Assigned(FFileStream) then 122 FFileStream.Free; 123 FFileStream := nil; 124 end; 125 126 procedure TFile.DiscardRawCache(Offset: Integer); 127 var 128 i: Integer; 129 begin 130 for i := 0 to High(FRawCaches) do 131 begin 132 if FRawCaches[i].DatOffset = Offset then 133 begin 134 if Assigned(FRawCaches[i].RawStream) then 135 FRawCaches[i].RawStream.Free; 136 FRawCaches[i].RawStream := nil; 137 end; 138 end; 139 end; 140 141 procedure TFile.DiscardAllRawCaches; 142 var 143 i: Integer; 144 begin 145 for i := 0 to High(FRawCaches) do 146 DiscardRawCache(FRawCaches[i].DatOffset); 147 end; 148 149 procedure TFile.StoreFileCache; 150 begin 151 Exit; 152 end; 153 154 procedure TFile.StoreRawCache(Offset: Integer); 155 begin 156 Exit; 157 end; 158 159 procedure TFile.StoreAllRawCaches; 160 var 161 i: Integer; 162 begin 163 for i := 0 to High(FRawCaches) do 164 StoreRawCache(FRawCaches[i].DatOffset); 165 end; 166 167 168 169 101 170 102 171 procedure TFile.SetOpened(Opened: Boolean); … … 107 176 108 177 constructor TFile.Create(ConnectionID, FileID: Integer); 178 var 179 rawlist: TRawDataList; 180 i: Integer; 109 181 begin 110 182 FConnectionID := ConnectionID; 111 183 FFileInfo := ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].GetFileInfo(FileID); 112 184 113 SetLength(FRawCaches, Length(ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].GetRawList(FileID))); 185 rawlist := ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].GetRawList(FileID); 186 SetLength(FRawCaches, Length(rawlist)); 187 for i := 0 to High(rawlist) do 188 FRawCaches[i].DatOffset := rawlist[i].SrcOffset; 114 189 115 190 FCached := False; … … 135 210 end; 136 211 212 213 function TFile.GetRawCacheID(Offset: Integer): Integer; 214 var 215 i: Integer; 216 begin 217 Result := -1; 218 for i := 0 to High(FRawCaches) do 219 if FRawCaches[i].DatOffset = Offset then 220 Result := i; 221 end; 137 222 138 223 function TFile.GetType: String; -
r241 r245 5 5 uses 6 6 _FileTypes, _EmptyFile, _DataTypes, _Extensions, _TreeElement, 7 AK VA, SUBT, TXAN, TXMP;7 AKEV, AKVA, BINA, SUBT, TXAN, TXMP; 8 8 // ABNA, AGDB, AGQC, AGQG, AGQM, AGQR, AISA, AITR, AIWA, AKAA, AKBA, AKBP, AKDA, 9 9 // AKEV, AKOT, AKVA, BINA, CBPI, CBPM, CONS, CRSA, DOOR, DPge, EDIA, ENVP, FILM, … … 46 46 47 47 const 48 FileDescs: array[0..3] of TFileDesc = ( 48 FileDescs: array[0..5] of TFileDesc = ( 49 (ext: 'AKEV'; ftype: TFile_AKEV), 49 50 (ext: 'AKVA'; ftype: TFile_AKVA), 51 (ext: 'BINA'; ftype: TFile_BINA), 50 52 (ext: 'SUBT'; ftype: TFile_SUBT), 51 53 (ext: 'TXAN'; ftype: TFile_TXAN), -
r113 r245 15 15 function MakeDatLink(FileID: Integer): Integer; 16 16 17 function ReadString(Stream: TStream; Offset: Integer): String; 18 17 19 function StringSmaller(string1, string2: String): Boolean; 18 20 … … 142 144 begin 143 145 Result := FileID * 256 + 1; 146 end; 147 148 149 150 151 function ReadString(Stream: TStream; Offset: Integer): String; 152 var 153 i: Integer; 154 c: Char; 155 begin 156 if Assigned(Stream) then 157 begin 158 if Offset >= 0 then 159 begin 160 Result := ''; 161 Stream.Seek(Offset, soFromBeginning); 162 repeat 163 Stream.Read(c, 1); 164 if Ord(c) > 0 then 165 Result := Result + c; 166 until Ord(c) = 0; 167 end; 168 end; 144 169 end; 145 170 -
r241 r245 28 28 _MetaManager in 'FileClasses\_MetaManager.pas', 29 29 _EmptyFile in 'FileClasses\_EmptyFile.pas', 30 AKEV in 'FileClasses\AKEV.pas', 31 AKVA in 'FileClasses\AKVA.pas', 32 BINA in 'FileClasses\BINA.pas', 33 SUBT in 'FileClasses\SUBT.pas', 34 TXAN in 'FileClasses\TXAN.pas', 30 35 TXMP in 'FileClasses\TXMP.pas', 31 TXAN in 'FileClasses\TXAN.pas',32 AKVA in 'FileClasses\AKVA.pas',33 SUBT in 'FileClasses\SUBT.pas',34 36 _BaseTemplate in 'Tools\_BaseTemplate.pas' {Form_BaseTemplate}, 35 37 _TemplateFile in 'Tools\_TemplateFile.pas' {Form_TemplateFile}, -
r241 r245 1 1 inherited Form_BinEdit: TForm_BinEdit 2 2 Caption = 'Form_BinEdit' 3 KeyPreview = True 3 4 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery 4 5 OnCreate = FormCreate … … 21 22 inherited filelist_meta: TVirtualStringTree 22 23 Height = 443 24 ExplicitHeight = 443 23 25 end 24 26 end -
r221 r245 1 1 inherited Form_RawEdit: TForm_RawEdit 2 2 Caption = 'Form_RawEdit' 3 KeyPreview = True 3 4 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery 4 5 OnCreate = FormCreate … … 24 25 inherited filelist: TListBox 25 26 Height = 160 27 ExplicitHeight = 160 26 28 end 27 29 object panel_imexport: TPanel … … 33 35 BevelOuter = bvNone 34 36 TabOrder = 2 35 ExplicitTop = 36336 ExplicitWidth = 20037 37 DesignSize = ( 38 38 190 … … 67 67 Caption = '2. Select .dat-link-offset' 68 68 TabOrder = 3 69 ExplicitTop = 21370 ExplicitWidth = 20071 69 object list_offset: TListBox 72 70 Left = 2 … … 134 132 ShowPositionIfNotFocused = True 135 133 OnSelectionChanged = hexSelectionChanged 136 ExplicitWidth = 283137 134 end 138 135 object value_viewer: TWrapGrid … … 159 156 OnDblClick = value_viewerDblClick 160 157 OnMouseDown = value_viewerMouseDown 161 ExplicitTop = 309162 ExplicitWidth = 283163 ExplicitHeight = 114164 158 end 165 159 end -
r223 r245 6 6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, 7 7 Dialogs, _TemplateFileList, Menus, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, ComCtrls, 8 TypeDefs, Grids, Wrapgrid, MPHexEditor ;8 TypeDefs, Grids, Wrapgrid, MPHexEditor, VirtualTrees; 9 9 10 10 type
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