Changeset 656 for AE/installer2/src/net

Jan 27, 2013, 12:56:11 AM (12 years ago)

AEI2 0.99h:

  • Added message when manually checking for updates and none found
6 edited


  • AE/installer2/src/net/oni2/aeinstaller/

    r653 r656  
    11appname=AE Installer 2
    2 appversion=0.99g
  • AE/installer2/src/net/oni2/aeinstaller/gui/

    r651 r656  
    272272                                                execUpdates = null;
    273273                                        }
     274                                } else {
     275                                        if (evtSource != this) {
     276                                                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
     277                                                                bundle.getString("updatesNotAvailable.text"),
     278                                                                bundle.getString("updatesNotAvailable.title"),
     279                                                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
     280                                        }
    274281                                }
    275282                        }
  • AE/installer2/src/net/oni2/aeinstaller/localization/

    r651 r656  
    12 abort.text=If you abort the download now the installation of mods will also be aborted.\n\
    13 Do you want to abort now?
     12abort.text=If you abort the download now the installation of mods will also be aborted.\nDo you want to abort now?
    1413abort.title=Really abort?
  • AE/installer2/src/net/oni2/aeinstaller/localization/

    r651 r656  
    11offlineMode.title=Offline mode
    2 offlineMode.text=AEI is running in offline mode.\n\
    3 No updates or downloads of new mods are possible.\n\
    4 Please restart AEI when you have internet connection to update or download new packages.
     2offlineMode.text=AEI is running in offline mode.\nNo updates or downloads of new mods are possible.\nPlease restart AEI when you have internet connection to update or download new packages.
    64invalidPath.title=Wrong directory
    7 invalidPath.text=This program has to be placed in the subfolder Edition/AEInstaller inside a vanilla Oni folder.\n\
    8 The full path of the .jar-file has to be:\n\
    9 OniFolder/Edition/AEInstaller/AEInstaller2.jar
     5invalidPath.text=This program has to be placed in the subfolder Edition/AEInstaller inside a vanilla Oni folder.\nThe full path of the .jar-file has to be:\nOniFolder/Edition/AEInstaller/AEInstaller2.jar
    117dotNetMissing.title=.NET is not installed
    1410offlineModeStartup.title=Offline mode
    15 offlineModeStartup.text=Connection to the ModDepot could not be established.\n\
    16 AEI will run in offline mode.\n\
    17 Updates or installation of mods not already downloaded will not be possible.
     11offlineModeStartup.text=Connection to the ModDepot could not be established.\nAEI will run in offline mode.\nUpdates or installation of mods not already downloaded will not be possible.
  • AE/installer2/src/net/oni2/aeinstaller/localization/

    r651 r656  
    4848installDependencies.title=Unmet dependencies
    49 installDependencies.text=There are unmet dependencies for some mods.\n\
    50 \n\
    51 Following mods are already downloaded and will be selected:\n\
    52 %s\n\
    53 \n\
    54 These mods will have to be additionally downloaded:\n\
    55 %s\n\
    56 \n\
    57 Size of files to be downloaded: %s.\n\
    58 \n\
    59 Continue?
     49installDependencies.text=There are unmet dependencies for some mods.\n\nFollowing mods are already downloaded and will be selected:\n%s\n\n\
     50These mods will have to be additionally downloaded:\n%s\n\n\
     51Size of files to be downloaded: %s.\n\nContinue?
    6153installIncompatibilities.title=Incompatible mods
    62 installIncompatibilities.text=The following mods are incompatible:\n\
    63 \n\
    64 %s\n\
    65 \n\
    66 Installation will be aborted.
     54installIncompatibilities.text=The following mods are incompatible:\n\n%s\n\nInstallation will be aborted.
    6755installDone.title=Installation done
    6856installDone.text=You can now play AE Oni.
    69 installDoneDeps.text=In addition to the manually selected mods the following\n\
    70 were installed because they were depended upon:\n\
    71 %s\n\
    72 \n\
    73 You can now play AE Oni.
     57installDoneDeps.text=In addition to the manually selected mods the following\nwere installed because they were depended upon:\n%s\n\nYou can now play AE Oni.
    7559updatesAvailable.title=Updates available
    7660updatesAvailable.text=The following mods and tools have newer versions on the Depot.<br>Check the packages you want to be updated.
    7761updatesAvailableSize.text=Size of files to download is %s.<br>Update now?
     62updatesNotAvailable.title=No updates available
     63updatesNotAvailable.text=There are currently no updates to the mods and tools you have downloaded.
    7864checkOnStartup.text=Check for updates at startup
    8066noOniSplit.title=OniSplit not available
    81 noOniSplit.text=The Edition is not yet initialized and OniSplit is missing (offline mode?).\n\
    82 Can not resume from here, exiting!
     67noOniSplit.text=The Edition is not yet initialized and OniSplit is missing (offline mode?).\nCan not resume from here, exiting!
    8368askInitialize.title=Initialize Edition
    84 askInitialize.text=The Edition is not yet initialized.\n\
    85 If you do not initialize now the installer will exit.\n\
    86 Initialize Edition core now?
     69askInitialize.text=The Edition is not yet initialized.\nIf you do not initialize now the installer will exit.\nInitialize Edition core now?
    8871initializingEdition.title=Initializing Edition core
  • AE/installer2/src/net/oni2/aeinstaller/localization/

    r651 r656  
    1919lblCopyOutro=Enable ending video on installation:
    21 newLaF.text=A new GUI theme was selected.\n\
    22 Please restart the application in order to apply the changes.
     21newLaF.text=A new GUI theme was selected.\nPlease restart the application in order to apply the changes.
    2322newLaF.title=Restart to apply theme
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