-- Anniversary Edition Setup -- for Anniversary Edition Seven -- by Iritscen -- For installing the Anniversary Edition Seven's AEI Updater. This script looks for an existing Oni -- installation, places the AEInstaller2Updater into a new AE/ folder, and runs it. It also makes sure -- that the user has Java installed so he can run the Updater and Installer. It does not check for Mono -- because that would be redundant of the Installer itself. -- History: -- 1.1.9 - No code changes. Re-built in order to include Run AE Installer 1.0.9, which also had no -- code changes but needed to be re-built in 10.12 in order to run in 10.12. -- 1.1.8 - Updated "Run AE Installer" script for Mono in 10.11. -- 1.1.7 - Now an AppleScriptObjC application to ensure signing integrity and OS compatibility. -- 1.1.6 - Now testing for Java's existence before talking to it, because it seems that simply calling -- "java -version" now causes the script to fail with an error dialog instead of invoking -- OS X's Java installation prompt. Setup app now uses the standard icon name "applet" so -- that Info.plist does not have to be edited, since that invalidates the code signature -- applied by OS X 10.6's Script Editor. Some dialog text has been made clearer. Fixed a -- weird bug that cropped up for the first while testing this script, which was breaking -- GDF validation. -- 1.1.5 - Now using fixed paths for Java for 10.6 and for 10.7+ because "which java" is not reliable. -- 1.1.4 - Now attempting to call Java through "java" again before falling back to looking in Internet -- Plug-Ins, because 10.6 has Java installed differently. -- 1.1.3 - No longer supplying link to MacUpdate page for Apple Java because it is out of date; only -- supplying link to java.com. -- 1.1.2 - Calling Java at Internet plug-in location instead of using basic command-line "java", as -- only the JDK installs command-line Java. -- 1.1.1 - Changed the "Run AE Installer" script to set environment to UTF-8 in order to avoid 'Ä' -- problem in Java 7. -- 1.1 - Updated bundled AEI Updater to 1.1, which supports proxies. -- 1.0 - Initial release. script AppDelegate property parent : class "NSObject" global pathToMe global sosumi global gNeedsJavaVersionMajor global gNeedsJavaVersionMinor -- IBOutlets property theWindow : missing value property aesIcon : missing value on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification) -- Set globals set gNeedsJavaVersionMajor to 1 set gNeedsJavaVersionMinor to 6 -- Set "pathToMe" for various future uses; its value will be "/path/to/Anniversary Edition Setup.app/Contents/Resources" tell current application's class "NSBundle" tell its mainBundle() set pathToMe to resourcePath() as string end tell end tell -- Draw the AE Setup icon in the window set iconPath to POSIX path of ((pathToMe & "/AppIcon.png") as string) set aesIconImg to current application's NSImage's alloc's initWithContentsOfFile_(iconPath) aesIcon's setImage_(aesIconImg) -- Set up "sosumi" with the Sosumi sound tell current application's NSSound to set thisSound to soundNamed_("Sosumi") -- Bring self to front in case something else stole focus tell me activate end tell end applicationWillFinishLaunching_ on applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_(sender) return true end applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_ on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender) -- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits return current application's NSTerminateNow end applicationShouldTerminate_ -- IBActions on clickStart_(sender) set installPath to my find_Oni_folder() tell me activate end tell if (installPath is "Gave up") then display dialog "Sorry, the AE currently requires a retail Oni installation." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup" else if (installPath is "AE exists") then display dialog "If you are sure you want to start over with a new AE installation in this location, then you should delete the existing AE/ folder and then run this Setup app again." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup" else if (installPath is "") then display dialog "Unknown error encountered while choosing Oni installation. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set quitOrForum to button returned of the result if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php" end if else set installResult to my install_AEI_Updater(installPath) tell me activate end tell if (installResult is 0) then display dialog "Updater installed. AE Setup will now continue the installation by running the Updater." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup" set runResult to my run_AEIU(installPath) tell me activate end tell -- Quit if running Run AE Installer seems to have been successful if (runResult is 0) then tell me quit end tell else if (runResult is 1) then display dialog "Script copy error. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set quitOrForum to button returned of the result if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php" end if else if (runResult is 2) then display dialog "Could not run AEI Updater. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set quitOrForum to button returned of the result if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php" end if end if else if (installResult is 1) then display dialog "Could not install the AEI Updater because Java was not installed or new enough. Please obtain a Java installer from Java.com." buttons {"Go to Java.com", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set quitOrJava to button returned of the result if (quitOrJava is "Go to Java.com") then open location "http://www.java.com/" end if else if (installResult is 2) then -- file operation failure display dialog "Could not install the AEI Updater. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set quitOrForum to button returned of the result if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php" end if else display dialog "Unknown error returned from install_AEI_Updater()! Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set quitOrForum to button returned of the result if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php" end if end if end if end clickStart_ -- The user must pick an acceptable folder to install the AE in, or die trying (or give up) -- Returns "Gave up" if user clicked Quit after being told his choice was not the Oni folder, -- "AE exists" if user clicked Quit after being told that the AE folder was already present, and -- returns the user's chosen path if validation was successful -- Called by clickStart_() on find_Oni_folder() tell me tell me activate end tell set tryAgain to true set isOniRetail to false set pathProblem to "" set folderTest to 0 repeat while (tryAgain is true) set chosenPath to (choose folder with prompt "Please locate your Oni installation.") if (chosenPath is "") then display dialog "There was an error in choosing the Oni folder." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup" return chosenPath end if set folderTest to my validate_Oni_folder(chosenPath) tell me activate end tell if (folderTest is 1) then display dialog "This doesn't seem to be your Oni installation. Click \"Try again\" to locate another folder." buttons {"Cancel", "Try again"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set cancelOrTryAgain to the button returned of the result if (cancelOrTryAgain is "Cancel") then set tryAgain to false set pathProblem to "Gave up" end if else if (folderTest is 2) then display dialog "This Oni installation already has an AE/ folder! This means that you've probably already run this Setup app, and now you should be opening the \"Run AE Installer\" script in the AE/ folder. You can also click \"Try again\" to find another Oni installation in which to install the AE." buttons {"Cancel", "Try again"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup" set cancelOrTryAgain to the button returned of the result if (cancelOrTryAgain is "Cancel") then set tryAgain to false set pathProblem to "AE exists" end if else set tryAgain to false -- we got it, let's get out of this loop end if end repeat if (folderTest is 0) then return chosenPath else return pathProblem end if end tell end find_Oni_folder -- Returns 0 if this is a valid target for the AE installation, -- 1 if this is not a valid target, and -- 2 if the AE is already here -- Called by find_Oni_folder() on validate_Oni_folder(folderPath) tell application "Finder" tell me activate end tell -- Is the GDF here? if not (exists folder "GameDataFolder" in folder folderPath) then display dialog "GameDataFolder not detected here." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup" return 1 end if -- Is the AE folder here? Because we won't install over it. if (exists folder "AE" in folder folderPath) then return 2 end if -- Now see if this is the full installation or demo set retailLevelList to {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19} set demoLevelList to {0, 1, 4} -- there's also a separate demo release of just level 2 to be dropped into the demo's GDF, but 1 and 4 were the only core demo levels set isRetail to true set isDemo to true -- Look for levels until one is missing and we know this isn't a complete retail release repeat with thisLevel in retailLevelList if not (exists file ((folderPath & "GameDataFolder:level" & (thisLevel as string) & "_Final.dat") as string)) then set isRetail to false exit repeat end if end repeat if (isRetail) then -- Don't return here if we add demo support below return 0 end if -- Look for levels until one is missing and we know this isn't a complete demo release repeat with thisLevel in demoLevelList if not (exists file ((folderPath & "GameDataFolder:level" & (thisLevel as string) & "_Final.dat") as string)) then set isDemo to false exit repeat end if end repeat if (isDemo) then -- Insert handling of demo status here if we ever support a demo AE return 1 else return 1 end if end tell end validate_Oni_folder -- If Java is found, creates the AE/ folder with the Updater -- Returns 0 if the Updater was installed (which will install the Installer itself afterward), -- 1 if Java fails verification, and -- 2 if a file operation or other error occurs -- Called by clickStart_() on install_AEI_Updater(pathToOni) tell me set javaResult to my verify_Java() if (javaResult is 1) then return 1 end if end tell -- Make "Oni/AE" folder tell application "Finder" if ((pathToOni & "AE") exists) then -- shouldn't happen because we already looked for it in validate_Oni_folder() display alert "AE folder already present!" return 2 end if try make new folder at pathToOni with properties {name:"AE"} delay 0.5 make new folder at ((pathToOni as string) & "AE") with properties {name:"AEInstaller"} on error display alert "Couldn't make AE or AEI folder!" return 2 end try -- Copy AEI Updater into "AE/" set AEIU to POSIX file (pathToMe & "/AEInstaller2Updater.jar") as alias if (AEIU exists) then set AEIfolder to (pathToOni & "AE:AEInstaller" as string) try duplicate file AEIU to folder AEIfolder on error copyError return 2 end try else display dialog "AE Installer Updater is not present in the Setup app!" return 2 end if end tell return 0 end install_AEI_Updater -- Checks for an acceptable Java installation -- This function was going to support a bundled JRE for those without Java, -- but it adds too many complications, so just make the user install it himself -- Returns 1 if Java is not found or too old, and -- 0 if Java is found and the version is acceptable -- Called by install_AEI_Updater() on verify_Java() tell me set origDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set OSversion to (system version of (system info) as string) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "." -- Java's location is different in 10.6 than in 10.7+ if ((second text item of OSversion) as number > 6) then set javaPath to "/Library/Internet\\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java" else set javaPath to "/usr/bin/java" end if -- Test for Java before talking to it set javaExistsTest to ("if [ -f " & javaPath & " ]; then echo okay; fi") as string set javaExists to do shell script javaExistsTest without altering line endings if (javaExists is "") then return 1 end if -- Get Java's version set javaVersionCmd to ((javaPath & " -version 2>&1") as string) -- Java's version output is sometimes on stderr, not stdout :-/ set javaVersionText to do shell script javaVersionCmd without altering line endings if (javaVersionText is "") then return 1 end if -- Isolate version number from output with format: (* java version "1.7.0_17" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode) *) -- Get first line set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " " set javaVersionText to first text item of javaVersionText -- Get text after first quote mark set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\"" set javaVersionText to second text item of javaVersionText -- Get first and second version numbers, third doesn't matter set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "." set versionMajor to first text item of javaVersionText set versionMinor to second text item of javaVersionText set AppleScript's text item delimiters to origDelimiters -- Inform user if Java is too old if (versionMajor ³ gNeedsJavaVersionMajor) then if (versionMinor < gNeedsJavaVersionMinor) then display dialog (("Sorry, Java v" & gNeedsJavaVersionMajor & "." & gNeedsJavaVersionMinor & " is required; found v" & versionMajor & "." & versionMinor & " instead.") as string) buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup" return 1 end if else display dialog (("Sorry, Java v" & gNeedsJavaVersionMajor & "." & gNeedsJavaVersionMinor & " is required; found v" & versionMajor & "." & versionMinor & " instead.") as string) buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup" return 1 end if end tell return 0 end verify_Java -- Drops an applet into the new "AE/" folder and runs it; -- the applet will try to run the AEI, but if it's not found, -- it runs the AEI Updater, which is what we want to happen -- so that the AEI can be installed. -- Returns 0 if this is a valid target for the AE installation, -- 1 if the applet cannot be dropped, and -- 2 if the applet cannot be run -- Called by clickStart_() on run_AEIU(pathToOni) tell application "Finder" -- Copy applet to AE/ that opens AEI or AEIU if AEI is not around set RAEI to POSIX file (pathToMe & "/Run AE Installer.app") as alias set pathToAE to alias ((pathToOni & "AE") as string) try duplicate RAEI to pathToAE on error copyError return 1 end try set RAEI to ((pathToAE as string) & "Run AE Installer.app") try open RAEI on error runError return 2 end try end tell return 0 end run_AEIU on play_error_sound() tell sosumi play() end tell end play_error_sound end script