inherited Form_TxmpReplace: TForm_TxmpReplace Caption = 'Form_TxmpReplace' ClientHeight = 438 OnCreate = FormCreate ExplicitHeight = 465 PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 inherited panel_basecontent: TPanel Height = 413 ExplicitHeight = 548 inherited splitter_content: TSplitter Height = 413 OnMoved = Splitter1Moved ExplicitHeight = 548 end inherited panel_files: TPanel Height = 413 ExplicitHeight = 548 inherited FilePages: TPageControl Height = 412 Constraints.MinHeight = 250 ExplicitHeight = 547 inherited tab_files: TTabSheet ExplicitHeight = 467 inherited filelist: TListBox Height = 259 ExplicitHeight = 342 end end inherited tab_meta: TTabSheet ExplicitLeft = 4 ExplicitTop = 24 ExplicitWidth = 190 ExplicitHeight = 519 inherited filelist_meta: TVirtualStringTree Height = 384 ExplicitHeight = 519 end end end end inherited panel_content: TPanel Height = 413 ExplicitHeight = 548 object Splitter1: TSplitter Left = 0 Top = 200 Width = 390 Height = 8 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alTop AutoSnap = False Beveled = True MinSize = 75 OnMoved = Splitter1Moved ExplicitTop = 105 end object group_options: TGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 334 Width = 390 Height = 79 Align = alBottom Caption = '3. Options && Replace' Enabled = False TabOrder = 0 ExplicitTop = 469 object btn_replace: TButton Left = 4 Top = 50 Width = 157 Height = 25 Caption = 'Replace' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btn_replaceClick end object check_transparency: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 16 Width = 105 Height = 17 Caption = 'Transparency' Enabled = False TabOrder = 1 end object check_fading: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 32 Width = 105 Height = 17 Caption = 'MIP Mapping' TabOrder = 2 end end object group_txmp: TGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 390 Height = 200 Align = alTop Caption = '1. Select a TXMP to be replaced' TabOrder = 1 object image_txmppreview: TImage Left = 2 Top = 15 Width = 386 Height = 153 Align = alClient ExplicitLeft = 0 ExplicitTop = 111 ExplicitWidth = 200 ExplicitHeight = 211 end object panel_txmppreview: TPanel Left = 2 Top = 168 Width = 386 Height = 30 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 ExplicitTop = 188 object btn_save: TButton Left = 2 Top = 2 Width = 121 Height = 25 Caption = 'Save TXMP-Picture ...' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btn_saveClick end end end object group_bmpselect: TGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 208 Width = 390 Height = 126 Align = alClient Caption = '2. Open BMP to replace with' Enabled = False TabOrder = 2 ExplicitLeft = -2 ExplicitTop = 206 object image_bmppreview: TImage AlignWithMargins = True Left = 5 Top = 48 Width = 380 Height = 73 Align = alClient ExplicitLeft = 2 ExplicitTop = 45 ExplicitWidth = 182 ExplicitHeight = 302 end object panel_load: TPanel Left = 2 Top = 15 Width = 386 Height = 30 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object btn_load: TButton Left = 2 Top = 2 Width = 121 Height = 25 Caption = 'Load image...' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btn_loadClick end end end end end object saved: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'bmp' Filter = 'All supported files (*.bmp, *.dds, *.tga, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png)|' + '*.bmp;*.dds;*.tga;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bm' + 'p|DirectDraw Surface (*.dds)|*.dds|Targa (*.tga)|*.tga|JPEG (*.j' + 'pg, *.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|All files (*.*)|*' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 352 Top = 196 end object opend: TOpenDialog Options = [ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 352 Top = 248 end end