# tctf2_spawn # scripts for level 18 by wu var int counter=3; var int my_save_point=0; var int counterA=0; var int counterB=0; var int counterC=0; var int counterD=0; var int counterDestroy=0; var int lastdoor_count=0; var int sub1 = 0; var int sub2 = 0; var int sub3 = 0; var int ld1; var int ld2; var int ld3; var int audio_counter = 3; ######### # music # ######### func void music_intro(void) { sound_music_start mus_main03 1.0 # this music stopped in t2 script } func void music_chair(void) { dprint music_chair sound_music_start mus_wls 1.0 # this music stopped in 11 and 11b script } func void music_atrium(void) { dprint music_atrium sound_music_start mus_trt .8 # this music stopped in check_power script } func void music_zom(void) { dprint music_zom sound_music_start mus_sv 0.75 # this music stopped in Zom script } func void music_stop(void) { dprint STOP_THE_MUSIC sound_music_stop mus_main03 sound_music_stop mus_wls sound_music_stop mus_trt sound_music_stop mus_sv } func void spawnA(void) { dprint spawn_zone_A ai2_spawn A_L19 ai2_spawn l1 ai2_spawn l3 ai2_spawn A_L12 ai2_spawn A_Lbo13 ai2_spawn A_L8 ai2_spawn l7 } ############################### # start and objectives # ############################### func void you_lose(string ai_name) { sleep 240 #fade_out 0 0 0 180 sleep 240 #lose } func void you_win(int char_index) { outro #win } func void set_objective_1(string ai_name) { dprint set_objective_1 objective_set(1) target_set (1,0) } func void set_objective_2(string ai_name) { dprint set_objective_2 objective_set(2) target_set (1,0) } func void set_objective_3(string ai_name) { dprint set_objective_3 objective_set(3) target_set (1,0) } func void set_objective_4(string ai_name) { dprint set_objective_4 objective_set(4) target_set (401,30) particle ZomShin_door_locklight01 do start } ################################# # cut scene scripts # ################################# func void grifdies(string ai_name) { killed_griffen 1 OutroKill } func void t35(string ai_name) { killed_griffen 0 OutroNoKill } func void outta_sight(string ai_name) { ai2_dopath n5 patrol_99 ai2_setjobstate n5 } ######################### # trigger volume stuff # ######################### func void t68(string ai_name) { ai2_spawn mbo_femcop } func void t2(string ai_name) { dprint t2_active trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_61 0 ai2_spawn n5 ai2_spawn A_Sbo14 ai2_dopath A_Sbo14 patrol_14 ai2_setjobstate A_Sbo14 ai2_spawn A_Sbo15 sleep 30 ai2_dopath A_Sbo15 patrol_14 ai2_setjobstate A_Sbo15 # ai2_spawn A_Sbo16 music_stop } func void t61(string ai_name) { dprint t61_active trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_02 0 ai2_spawn n5 ai2_spawn A_Sbo14 ai2_spawn A_Sbo15 music_stop } func void t3(string ai_name) { dprint t3_active ai2_dopath A_n17 patrol_16 ai2_setjobstate A_n17 } func void t4(string ai_name) { dprint t4_active ai2_spawn A_L18 } func void t6(string ai_name) { dprint t6_active ai2_spawn A_L20 ai2_spawn A_L21 ai2_spawn B_S22 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S22 1 trig_activate 6 trig_activate 7 trig_activate 99 trig_activate 98 target_set(593,30.0) } func void t7(string ai_name) { dprint t7_active ai2_dopath B_S22 patrol_23 ai2_setjobstate B_S22 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S22 0 ai2_spawn B_N28 } func void t7b(string ai_name) { dprint t7b_active ai2_spawn B_Lbo26 playback_block B_Lbo26 run1 interp 20 sleep 20 ai2_dopath B_Lbo26 patrol_27 ai2_setjobstate B_Lbo26 } func void t8(string ai_name) { dprint t8_active chr_delete A_L19 chr_delete l1 chr_delete l3 chr_delete A_L12 chr_delete A_Lbo13 chr_delete A_L8 chr_delete l7 chr_delete n5 chr_delete A_T25 chr_delete A_n17 chr_delete A_N31 ai2_spawn B_Sbo38 ai2_spawn B_S36 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S36 1 ai2_spawn B_L40 ai2_spawn B_L41 music_chair sleep 90 substation_monologue } func void t10(string ai_name) { dprint t10_active ai2_spawn B_S29 } func void t11(string ai_name) { dprint t11_active ai2_dopath B_S36 patrol_38 ai2_setjobstate B_S36 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_Sbo38 0 # ai2_makeignoreplayer B_Sbo35 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S36 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S37 0 ai2_spawn B_Lbo76 # ai2_spawn B_Lbo77 ai2_spawn B_C34 ai2_spawn B_C33 ai2_spawn B_C32 trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_11_copy 0 music_stop } func void t59(string ai_name) { ai2_spawn B_L30 ai2_spawn B_L95 ai2_spawn B_Lbo27 } func void t60(string ai_name) { ai2_spawn B_C32 ai2_spawn B_C34 ai2_spawn B_C33 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S36 0 } func void t67(string ai_name) { ai2_spawn B_S43 } func void t11b(string ai_name) { dprint t11b_active ai2_dopath B_S36 patrol_38 ai2_setjobstate B_S36 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_Sbo38 0 # ai2_makeignoreplayer B_Sbo35 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S36 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer B_S37 0 ai2_spawn B_Lbo76 # ai2_spawn B_Lbo77 trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_11 0 music_stop } func void t12(string ai_name) { dprint t12_active ai2_dopath B_N28 patrol_42 ai2_setjobstate B_N28 } func void t14(string ai_name) { dprint t14_active ai2_spawn C_Sbo44 # ai2_spawn C_C46 ai2_spawn C_C47 ai2_spawn C_N48 # ai2_spawn C_L50 # ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L50 1 # ai2_spawn C_L51 # ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L51 1 } func void t15(string ai_name) { dprint t15_active ai2_lookatme C_L51 ai2_dopath C_L51 patrol_51 ai2_setjobstate C_L51 ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L51 0 sleep 90 ai2_lookatme C_L50 ai2_dopath C_L50 patrol_50 ai2_setjobstate C_L50 ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L50 0 } func void t16(string ai_name) { dprint t16_active ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L50 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L51 0 } func void t17(string ai_name) { dprint t17_active ai2_makeignoreplayer C_N55 0 ai2_spawn C_Sbo56 } func void t18(string ai_name) { dprint t18_active ai2_spawn C_S57 } func void t19(string ai_name) { dprint t19_active ai2_spawn C_S58 ai2_spawn C_S59 } func void t20(string ai_name) { dprint t20_active # sleep 200 ai2_spawn C_Lbo62 ai2_spawn C_Sbo61 } func void t21(string ai_name) { dprint t21_active ai2_spawn C_Sbo63 ai2_spawn C_Sbo64 } func void t22(string ai_name) { dprint t22_active ai2_makeignoreplayer C_C65 0 } func void t23(string ai_name) { dprint t23_active ai2_spawn C_L71 ai2_spawn C_S72 ai2_spawn C_N74 } func void t25(string ai_name) { dprint t25_active ai2_spawn D_C70 ai2_makeignoreplayer D_C70 1 ai2_spawn D_Sbo71 ai2_spawn D_Sbo72 ai2_spawn D_Sbo73 ai2_spawn D_Sbo75 ai2_spawn D_N76 } func void t26(string ai_name) { dprint t26_active ai2_spawn D_L74 ai2_spawn new_1 } func void t28(string ai_name) { dprint t28_active ai2_spawn D_S78 ai2_spawn D_S79 trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_29 1 } func void t29(string ai_name) { dprint t29_active ai2_spawn D_Lbo81 ai2_spawn D_S82 } func void t30(string ai_name) { dprint t30_active ai2_spawn D_L80 } func void t31(string ai_name) { dprint t31_active ai2_spawn D_S83 ai2_spawn D_L84 ai2_spawn D_Lbo85 ai2_spawn D_Sbo86 trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_32 0 } func void t32(string ai_name) { dprint t32_active ai2_spawn D_L88 ai2_spawn D_S87 ai2_spawn D_Sbo86 trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_31 0 target_set(599,30.0) } func void t34(string ai_name) { dprint t34_active ai2_spawn D_Sbo75 ai2_spawn D_Sbo92 ai2_spawn D_L91 ai2_spawn D_S90 ai2_spawn D_S89 } func void t37(string ai_name) { dprint t37_active ai2_makeignoreplayer D_C70 0 } func void t38(string ai_name) { dprint t38 # ai2_spawn B_N31 } func void t41(string ai_name) { dprint t41_active target_set(596,30.0) } func void t42(string ai_name) { dprint t42_active door_lock 16 particle ZomShin_door_locklight01 do stop trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_35 0 Base s5 } func void t43(string ai_name) { dprint t43_active ai2_spawn B_S96 } func void t44(string ai_name) { dprint t44 target_set(598,30.0) } func void t45(string ai_name) { dprint t45_active target_set(587,30.0) door_lock 14 particle shin_lock_locklight01 do stop console_activate 3 # play door lock sound trig_deactivate 60 trig_deactivate 61 trig_deactivate 62 trig_deactivate 63 trig_deactivate 64 trig_deactivate 65 trig_deactivate 70 trig_deactivate 71 trig_deactivate 72 trig_deactivate 73 trig_deactivate 74 trig_deactivate 75 trig_deactivate 91 trig_deactivate 92 trig_deactivate 93 trig_deactivate 98 trig_deactivate 99 trig_deactivate 6 trig_deactivate 7 if (trigvolume_count(20) eq 0) { dprint delete_B_AI chr_delete B_L95 chr_delete B_Lbo27 chr_delete B_S29 chr_delete B_L30 chr_delete B_Sbo38 chr_delete B_S36 chr_delete B_S37 chr_delete B_L40 chr_delete B_L41 chr_delete B_Lbo39 chr_delete B_S43 chr_delete B_C32 chr_delete B_C33 chr_delete B_C34 chr_delete B_Lbo26 chr_delete B_S96 chr_delete B_Lbo76 chr_delete B_S22 chr_delete B_N31 chr_delete B_Lbo77 } dprint delete_A_AI chr_delete A_L20 chr_delete A_L21 chr_delete A_Sbo15 chr_delete A_Sbo14 chr_delete A_L19 chr_delete l1 chr_delete l3 chr_delete A_L12 chr_delete A_Lbo13 chr_delete A_L8 chr_delete l7 chr_delete n5 chr_delete A_T25 chr_delete B_N28 chr_delete A_n17 chr_delete A_N31 } func void attack_konoko(string ai_name) { ai2_attack new_1 A_player } func void substation_monologue(void) { dprint playkonokoline sound_dialog_play c14_54_24konoko cinematic_start (KONtalkangryfront, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20) sound_dialog_play_block sleep f60 cinematic_stop (KONtalkangryfront, 19, 20) objective_set(2, silent) } func void save3_and_spine(string ai_name) { s3 spine1 sleep 7 spine2 sleep 7 spine3 } func void t45b(string ai_name) { dprint t45b_modified_by_okita ai2_spawn C_L51 ai2_spawn C_L50 ai2_spawn C_C65 ai2_spawn C_N66 ai2_spawn C_Sbo93 ai2_spawn C_N60 ai2_spawn C_N55 ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L50 1 ai2_makeignoreplayer C_L51 1 ai2_makeignoreplayer C_N55 1 ai2_makeignoreplayer C_C65 1 music_atrium } ################ begin ################# ########## okita's modification ######## ######################################## func void spine1(void) { dprint spine1_start if (sub1 eq 1) { particle spine1 start particle spinesound1 start } } func void spine2(void) { dprint spine2_start if (sub2 eq 1) { particle spine2 start particle spinesound2 start } } func void spine3(void) { dprint spine3_start if (sub3 eq 1) { particle spine3 start particle spinesound3 start } } ################ end ################# ########## okita's modification ######## ######################################## func void patrolscript0001(void) { playback_block B_S22 taunt1 interp 20 } func void B_S22_run (string ai_name) { ai2_dopath B_S22 patrol_24 ai2_setjobstate B_S22 } func void A_T25_run (string ai_name) { ai2_dopath A_T25 patrol_25 ai2_setjobstate A_T25 } func void t39(string ai_name) { target_set(598,30.0) } func void t48(string ai_name) { ai2_spawn D_S101 ai2_spawn D_C100 } ######################################### # console/special # ######################################### func void unlock14(string ai_name) { dprint unlock14_active door_unlock 14 particle shin_lock_locklight01 do start } func void console_android(void) { text_console level_18b console_reset 16 } func void console_zombie(void) { text_console level_18a console_reset 17 } func void console1(string ai_name) { dprint console1_active text_console level_18c console_reset 14 console_activate 14 } func void console2(string ai_name) { dprint console2_active text_console level_18d console_reset 15 } func void level_18e(string ai_name) { dprint text_18e text_console level_18e console_reset 1 console_activate 1 } func void tctf3_introcons(string ai_name) { dprint introcons text_console tctf3_intro console_reset 71 console_activate 71 console_reset 72 console_activate 72 } func void lastdoor_console(string ai_name) { dprint lastdoor_console lastdoor_count = lastdoor_count + 1 if (lastdoor_count eq 1) { input 0 fade_out 0 0 0 30 cm_interpolate lastdoor_cam 0 fade_in 30 sleep 60 particle lastdoor3_locklight01 do start sleep 30 fade_out 0 0 0 30 cm_reset input 1 fade_in 30 } if (lastdoor_count eq 2) { input 0 fade_out 0 0 0 30 cm_interpolate lastdoor_cam 0 fade_in 30 sleep 60 particle lastdoor2_locklight01 do start sleep 30 fade_out 0 0 0 30 cm_reset input 1 fade_in 30 } if (lastdoor_count eq 3) { input 0 fade_out 0 0 0 30 cm_interpolate lastdoor_cam 0 fade_in 30 sleep 60 particle lastdoor1_locklight01 do start set_objective_4 target_set(401,30.0) sleep 30 fade_out 0 0 0 30 cm_reset input 1 fade_in 30 trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_40 0 door_unlock 97 } } func void refuse_script(string ai_name) { dprint refuse ai2_dopath C_N48 patrol_98 } func void patrolscript0098(string ai_name) { dprint patrolscript0098 ai2_doalarm C_N48 10 } func void shin_lock(string ai_name) { particle shin_lock_locklight01 do start } func void stair_lock(string ai_name) { particle stair_lock_locklight01 do start } func void roof(string ai_name) { particle roof_locklight01 do start particle shin_lock_locklight01 do start ai2_spawn A_T25 } func void roof_doors(string ai_name) { particle roof_doors_locklight01 do start } func void roof_door2(string ai_name) { particle roof_door2_locklight01 do start ai2_spawn A_n17 } func void enable_t29(string ai_name) { trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_29 1 } func void t40(string ai_name) { dprint t40_active if(sub1 ne 1) { if (audio_counter eq 2) { if(trigvolume_count(49) eq 0) { trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_40 0 sound_dialog_play c14_54_26konoko sound_dialog_play_block pause audio_counter = audio_counter - 1; } } if (audio_counter eq 3) { if(trigvolume_count(49) eq 0) { trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_40 0 sound_dialog_play c14_54_25konoko sound_dialog_play_block pause audio_counter = audio_counter - 1; } } } } func void t50(string ai_name) { dprint t50_active if(sub2 ne 1) { if (audio_counter eq 2) { if(trigvolume_count(51) eq 0) { trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_50 0 sound_dialog_play c14_54_26konoko sound_dialog_play_block pause audio_counter = audio_counter - 1; } } if (audio_counter eq 3) { if(trigvolume_count(51) eq 0) { trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_50 0 sound_dialog_play c14_54_25konoko sound_dialog_play_block pause audio_counter = audio_counter - 1; } } } } func void t53(string ai_name) { dprint t53_active if(sub3 ne 1) { if (audio_counter eq 2) { if(trigvolume_count (54) eq 0) { trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_53 0 sound_dialog_play c14_54_26konoko sound_dialog_play_block pause audio_counter = audio_counter - 1; } } if (audio_counter eq 3) { if(trigvolume_count(54) eq 0) { trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_53 0 sound_dialog_play c14_54_25konoko sound_dialog_play_block pause audio_counter = audio_counter - 1; } } } } func void lastdoor1(string ai_name) { ld1=1 if(ld2 eq 0) { target_set(599,30.0) } if (ld2 ne 0) { if(ld3 eq 0) { target_set(598,30.0) } } } func void lastdoor2(string ai_name) { ld2=1 if(ld3 eq 0) { target_set(598,30.0) } if(ld3 ne 0) { if(ld1 eq 0) { target_set(597,30.0) } } } func void lastdoor3(string ai_name) { ld3=1 if(ld2 eq 0) { target_set(599,30.0) } if(ld2 ne 0) { if(ld1 eq 0) { target_set(597,30.0) } } } ######################### # save game # ######################### func void s1(string ai_name) { dprint SAVEDGAME1 if (my_save_point ne 1) { save_game 1 autosave } } func void s2(string ai_name) { dprint SAVEDGAME2 if (my_save_point ne 2) { save_game 2 autosave } } func void s3(string ai_name) { dprint SAVEDGAME3 if (my_save_point ne 3) { save_game 3 autosave } } func void s4(string ai_name) { dprint SAVEDGAME4 if (my_save_point ne 4) { save_game 4 autosave } } func void s5(string ai_name) { dprint SAVEDGAME5 if (my_save_point ne 5) { save_game 5 autosave } } ############################################### ##### FURIOUS ZOMBIE SHINATAMA FIGHT ###### ############################################### var int console_count = 4; var int zombie_counter_var = 0; func void zombie_counter(string player_name) { console_count = console_count - 1; door_lock 16 if (console_count eq 0) { console_count = 4; dprint zombie_counter zombie_counter_var = zombie_counter_var + 1; if (zombie_counter_var eq 0) { zombie_round_2 } if (zombie_counter_var eq 1) { zombie_round_3 } if (zombie_counter_var eq 2) { zombie_round_4 } if (zombie_counter_var eq 3) { zombie_round_5 } } } func void t52(string ai_name) { ai2_dopath ZomGrif patrol_102 } func void t55(string ai_name) { ai2_dopath ZomGrif patrol_103 } func void t56(string ai_name) { ai2_dopath ZomGrif patrol_104 } func void t57(string ai_name) { ai2_dopath ZomGrif patrol_105 } func void t58(string ai_name) { ai2_spawn C_Lbo53 ai2_spawn C_Sbo52 } func void zombie_dialog_round3(void) { sound_dialog_play c14_51_07shinatama cinematic_start(SHINZOMlistening, 180,180,19,8,20, false) sound_dialog_play_block cinematic_stop (SHINZOMlistening, 19, 20) } func void zombie_dialog_round4(void) { sound_dialog_play c14_51_08shinatama cinematic_start(SHINZOMlistening, 180,180,19,8,20, false) sound_dialog_play_block cinematic_stop (SHINZOMlistening, 19, 20) } func void zombie_dialog_round5(void) { sound_dialog_play c14_51_09shinatama cinematic_start(SHINZOMlistening, 180,180,19,8,20, false) sound_dialog_play_block cinematic_stop (SHINZOMlistening, 19, 20) } # CB: this round is not called any longer! only zombie rounds 2-5 are used now # ZOMBIE ROUND 1 func void zombie_round_1(string ai_name) { dprint zombie_round_1 particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start ai2_allpassive 1 input 0 # CB: kill all weapon particles p3_removedangerous sleep 120 trig_show 91 trig_show 92 trig_show 93 trig_activate 91 trig_activate 92 trig_activate 93 sleep 30 # trig_speed 202 .2 # trig_speed 204 .2 # trig_hide 2023 # trig_hide 2013 # particle ????? start # particle ????? start cm_reset input 1 sleep 90 ai2_allpassive 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer ZomGrif 1 } # CB: this round has all the old zombie round 2 setup including camera angles # OLD ZOMBIE ROUND 2 func void old_zombie_round_2(string ai_name) { dprint zombie_round_2 ai2_allpassive 1 turret_deactivate 330 turret_deactivate 333 turret_deactivate 336 input 0 # CB: kill all weapon particles p3_removedangerous particle zombie1 kill sleep 90 cm_interpolate zombie_hint 0 particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start sleep 120 trig_deactivate 91 trig_deactivate 92 trig_deactivate 93 dprint trig_off_1 sleep 15 trig_hide 91 sleep 15 trig_hide 92 sleep 15 trig_hide 93 sleep 120 trig_show 210 trig_show 310 trig_show 410 trig_show 510 trig_activate 210 trig_activate 310 trig_activate 410 trig_activate 510 trig_reset 91 trig_reset 92 trig_reset 93 sleep 15 trig_show 91 sleep 15 trig_show 92 sleep 15 trig_show 93 trig_activate 91 trig_activate 92 trig_activate 93 sleep 90 cm_reset input 1 sleep 90 ai2_allpassive 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer ZomGrif 1 console_reset 399 console_reset 400 console_reset 401 console_reset 402 } # CB: this round is the new zombie round 2 setup which is tabulae rasa # and fit to be called from a save point, or from the cutscene # ZOMBIE ROUND 2 func void zombie_round_2(string ai_name) { dprint zombie_round_2_active particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start ai2_allpassive 1 input 0 # CB: kill all weapon particles p3_removedangerous sleep 120 trig_show 210 trig_show 310 trig_show 410 trig_show 510 trig_activate 210 trig_activate 310 trig_activate 410 trig_activate 510 trig_reset 91 trig_reset 92 trig_reset 93 sleep 15 trig_show 91 sleep 15 trig_show 92 sleep 15 trig_show 93 trig_activate 91 trig_activate 92 trig_activate 93 # incidental zombie shinatama dialog trigvolume_enable shinzom_voice1 1 trigvolume_enable shinzom_voice2 1 cm_reset input 1 sleep 90 ai2_allpassive 0 ai2_makeignoreplayer ZomGrif 1 } # ZOMBIE ROUND 3 func void zombie_round_3(string ai_name) { dprint zombie_round_3_active ai2_allpassive 1 turret_deactivate 330 turret_deactivate 333 turret_deactivate 336 input 0 # CB: kill all weapon particles p3_removedangerous particle zombie1 kill # incidental zombie shinatama dialog trigvolume_enable shinzom_voice3 1 sleep 90 cm_interpolate zombie_hint 0 particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start sleep 20 particle zombie1 kill sleep 10 particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start sleep 120 trig_deactivate 91 trig_deactivate 92 trig_deactivate 93 dprint trig_off_2 sleep 15 trig_hide 91 sleep 15 trig_hide 92 sleep 15 trig_hide 93 trig_deactivate 210 trig_deactivate 310 trig_deactivate 410 trig_deactivate 510 fork zombie_dialog_round3 sleep 120 trig_reset 91 trig_reset 92 trig_reset 93 sleep 15 trig_show 91 sleep 15 trig_show 92 sleep 15 trig_show 93 trig_activate 91 trig_activate 92 trig_activate 93 trig_reset 210 trig_reset 310 trig_reset 410 trig_reset 510 trig_activate 210 trig_activate 310 trig_activate 410 trig_activate 510 trig_show 2101 trig_show 3101 trig_show 4101 trig_show 5101 trig_activate 2101 trig_activate 3101 trig_activate 4101 trig_activate 5101 trig_speed 210 .3 trig_speed 310 .3 trig_speed 410 .3 trig_speed 510 .3 trig_speed 2101 .3 trig_speed 3101 .3 trig_speed 4101 .3 trig_speed 5101 .3 sleep 90 cm_reset input 1 sleep 90 ai2_allpassive 0 # ai2_passive ZomGrif 1 console_reset 399 console_reset 400 console_reset 401 console_reset 402 } ## ZOMBIE ROUND 4 func void zombie_round_4(string ai_name) { dprint zombie_round_4_active ai2_allpassive 1 turret_deactivate 330 turret_deactivate 333 turret_deactivate 336 input 0 # CB: kill all weapon particles p3_removedangerous particle zombie1 kill # incidental zombie shinatama dialog trigvolume_enable shinzom_voice4 1 sleep 90 cm_interpolate zombie_hint 0 sleep 30 particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start sleep 20 particle zombie1 kill sleep 30 particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start fork zombie_dialog_round4 sleep 120 trig_deactivate 91 trig_deactivate 92 trig_deactivate 93 dprint trig_off_3 trig_hide 91 trig_hide 92 trig_hide 93 trig_deactivate 210 trig_deactivate 310 trig_deactivate 410 trig_deactivate 510 trig_hide 210 trig_hide 310 trig_hide 410 trig_hide 510 trig_deactivate 2101 trig_deactivate 3101 trig_deactivate 4101 trig_deactivate 5101 trig_hide 2101 trig_hide 3101 trig_hide 4101 trig_hide 5101 sleep 120 trig_show 214 trig_show 314 trig_show 414 trig_show 514 sleep 15 trig_show 94 sleep 15 trig_show 910 trig_activate 214 trig_activate 314 trig_activate 414 trig_activate 514 trig_activate 910 trig_activate 94 trig_speed 214 .15 trig_speed 314 .15 trig_speed 414 .15 trig_speed 514 .15 trig_speed 910 .35 trig_speed 94 .35 sleep 90 cm_reset input 1 sleep 90 ai2_allpassive 0 # # ai2_passive ZomGrif 1 console_reset 399 console_reset 400 console_reset 401 console_reset 402 } ########## ZOMBIE ROUND 5 - YOU WIN ############ func void zombie_round_5(string ai_name) { dprint zombie_round_5_active ai2_allpassive 1 turret_deactivate 330 turret_deactivate 333 turret_deactivate 336 trig_hide 214 trig_hide 414 trig_activate 210 trig_activate 410 # CB: kill all weapon particles p3_removedangerous input 0 begin_cutscene music_stop sleep 60 cm_interpolate zombie_death 0 fork zombie_dialog_round5 sleep 90 trig_speed 9 1 trig_speed 10 2 trig_speed 910 2.5 trig_speed 94 .5 trig_speed 210 2 sleep 90 trig_speed 410 2 sleep 90 trig_speed 514 1 trig_speed 410 1 sleep 90 trig_speed 314 2 sleep 90 trig_speed 210 1 sleep 60 trig_hide 210 trig_hide 9 trig_speed 10 .2 sleep 60 trig_hide 314 trig_hide 910 sleep 60 trig_speed 514 .2 trig_hide 410 trig_hide 10 trig_hide 94 sleep 60 trig_hide 514 sleep 60 trig_hide 93 particle zombie1 kill sound_ambient_start shin_zom_shutdown 1.0 sleep 10 particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start sleep 20 particle zombie1 kill particle zombie1 create particle zombie1 start sleep 30 particle zombie1 kill particle zombiesteam stop particle zombient stop sleep 90 # Hardy, if griffin has to see konoko after or during the zom cutscene, # make sure this next line makes it into the shorter zombie shin scripts --mike ai2_makeignoreplayer ZomGrif 0 Zom } ############################################################ ########### INCIDENTAL SHINATAMA ZOMBIE DIALOG ############# ############################################################ func void shinzom_voice1(string ai_name) { sound_dialog_play c00_01_102shinatama } func void shinzom_voice2(string ai_name) { sound_dialog_play c00_01_101shinatama } func void shinzom_voice3(string ai_name) { sound_dialog_play c00_01_100shinatama } func void shinzom_voice4(string ai_name) { sound_dialog_play c00_01_103shinatama }