function fileexists(const szFilename: string): boolean; var Handle : THandle; FindData : TWin32FindData; begin Handle := FindFirstFile(pchar(szFilename),FindData); Result := (Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if(Result) then Windows.FindClose(Handle); end; function ExtractFileDrive(const szFilename: string): string; var i : integer; begin Result := ''; i := length(szFilename); while(i > 0) do begin if(szFileName[i] = ':') then begin Result := copy(szFilename,1,i); break; end; dec(i); end; end; function ExtractFilePath(const szFilename: string): string; var i : integer; begin Result := ''; i := length(szFileName); while(i > 0) do begin if(szFileName[i] = ':') or (szFileName[i] = '\') then begin Result := copy(szFileName,1,i); break; end; dec(i); end; end; function ExtractFileName(const szFilename: string): string; var i : integer; begin i := length(szFilename); while(i > 0) do begin if(szFilename[i] = '\') then break; dec(i); end; Result := copy(szFilename,i + 1,length(szFilename)); end; function CutFileExt(const szFilename: string): string; var i : integer; begin i := length(szFilename); while(i > 0) do begin if(szFilename[i] = '.') then break; dec(i); end; if(i = 0) then Result := szFilename else Result := copy(szFilename,1,i-1); end; function ChangeFileExt(const szFileName, szNewExt: string): string; begin Result := CutFileExt(szFileName); if(szNewExt[1] <> '.') then Result := Result + '.' + szNewExt else Result := Result + szNewExt; end; function FileSearch(const Name, DirList: string): string; var I, P, L: Integer; begin Result := Name; P := 1; L := length(DirList); while(true) do begin if(fileexists(Result)) then exit; while(P <= L) and (DirList[P] = ';') do inc(P); if(P > L) then break; I := P; while(P <= L) and (DirList[P] <> ';') do inc(P); Result := copy(DirList,I,P-I); if not(Result[length(Result)] in[':','\']) then Result := Result + '\'; Result := Result + Name; end; Result := ''; end; function StrToIntDef(const s: string; const i: integer): integer; var code : integer; begin Val(s,Result,code); if(code <> 0) then Result := i; end; function IntToStr(const i: integer): string; begin Str(i,Result); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Format(fmt: string; params: array of const): string; var pdw1, pdw2 : PDWORD; i : integer; pc : PCHAR; begin pdw1 := nil; if High(params) >= 0 then GetMem(pdw1, (High(params) + 1) * sizeof(Pointer)); pdw2 := pdw1; for i := 0 to High(params) do begin pdw2^ := PDWORD(@params[i])^; inc(pdw2); end; pc := GetMemory(1024); if Assigned(pc) then try SetString(Result, pc, wvsprintf(pc, PCHAR(fmt), PCHAR(pdw1))); finally if (pdw1 <> nil) then FreeMem(pdw1); FreeMem(pc); end else Result := ''; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function UpperCase(const s: string): string; var i : integer; begin Result := ''; if(length(s) > 0) then begin SetLength(Result,length(s)); for i := 1 to length(s) do Result[i] := UpCase(s[i]); end; end; function LowerCase(const s: string): string; var i : integer; begin Result := ''; if(length(s) > 0) then begin SetLength(Result,length(s)); for i := 1 to length(s) do case s[i] of 'A'..'Z','�','�','�': Result[i] := CHR(BYTE(s[i]) + 32); else Result[i] := s[i]; end; end; end; function LoggedUser: string; var dwLen : dword; fTest : boolean; begin Result := ''; dwLen := MAX_PATH; SetLength(Result,dwLen); fTest := GetUserName(@Result[1],dwLen); if(not fTest) and (GetLastError = ERROR_MORE_DATA) then begin SetLength(Result,dwLen); fTest := GetUserName(@Result[1],dwLen); end; if(fTest) and (Result[1] <> #0) then SetLength(Result,dwLen - 1); end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // delete files during next reboot (code by sakura) // function DeleteFileDuringNextSystemBoot(aFileName: string): Boolean; var ShortName, winini : string; os : TOSVersionInfo; ts : array of string; f : TextFile; i : integer; begin Result := False; // get OS version os.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(TOSVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(os); case os.dwPlatformId of // NT systems VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: Result := MoveFileEx(pchar(aFileName),nil, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING + MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); // 9x systems VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: begin // get Windows folder SetLength(winini,MAX_PATH+1); SetLength(winini,GetWindowsDirectory(@winini[1],MAX_PATH+1)); if(winini <> '') then begin if(winini[length(winini)] <> '\') then winini := winini + '\'; winini := winini + 'wininit.ini'; // get short name of the given file SetLength(ShortName,MAX_PATH+1); SetLength(ShortName, GetShortPathName(@aFilename[1],@ShortName[1],MAX_PATH+1)); if(ShortName <> '') then begin // add it to "wininit.ini" to delete // during next reboot SetLength(ts,0); {$I-} // get old file�s content AssignFile(f,winini); ReSet(f); if(IoResult = 0) then begin while(not eof(f)) do begin SetLength(ts,length(ts)+1); ReadLn(f,ts[length(ts)-1]); if(lstrcmpi('[rename]',pchar(ts[length(ts)-1])) = 0) then begin SetLength(ts,length(ts)+1); ts[length(ts)-1] := 'NUL='+ShortName; end; end; CloseFile(f); end; if(length(ts) = 0) then begin SetLength(ts,2); ts[0] := '[rename]'; ts[1] := 'NUL='+ShortName; end; // re-create ReWrite(f); Result := (IoResult = 0); if(Result) then begin for i := 0 to length(ts) - 1 do WriteLn(f,ts[i]); CloseFile(f); end; {$I+} SetLength(ts,0); end; end; end; // only 9x and NT are supported else exit; end; end;