################# ### VARIABLES ### ################# var int var_counter = 0; ############ ### MAIN ### ############ func void main(void) { gl_fog_red = .15 gl_fog_blue = .15 gl_fog_green = .15 gl_fog_start = .995 gs_farclipplane_set 5000 ui_suppress_prompt = 1 chr_auto_aim_dist = 0 start } ############# ### START ### ############# func void start(void) { fork deactivate_stuff if(save_point eq 0) save_point = 1 if(save_point eq 1) fork intro if(save_point eq 2) restore_game if(save_point eq 3) restore_game if(save_point eq 4) restore_game sleep 5 fork sp_all } func void deactivate_stuff(void) { trigvolume_setscript save_point4 sp4 entry #not used trigvolume_enable alarm_1 0 trigvolume_enable brain_commguy_1 0 trigvolume_enable febtober2 0 trigvolume_enable flyway_1 0 trigvolume_enable Griffin 0 trigvolume_enable hidden_1a 0 trigvolume_enable hidden_1b 0 trigvolume_enable lowthug_1 0 trigvolume_enable new_target_3 0 trigvolume_enable nook_1 0 trigvolume_enable nookright 0 trigvolume_enable outro1 0 trigvolume_enable plasma_striker_1 0 trigvolume_enable sound_off 0 trigvolume_enable trigger_active_1 0 trig_deactivate 201 trig_deactivate 202 trig_deactivate 203 trig_deactivate 204 trig_deactivate 2012 trig_deactivate 2022 particle lock_1_locklight01 do start particle lock_1b_locklight01 do start env_show 555 0 door_lock 1 #used trigvolume_enable febtober 0 trigvolume_enable tech_1 0 trig_hide 205 trig_hide 2013 trig_hide 2023 trig_hide 2032 trig_hide 2042 obj_create 1201 1208 env_anim 1201 1208 door_unlock 3 door_lock 4 door_lock 9 door_lock 21 console_deactivate 6 } func void you_lose(void) { fade_out 0 0 0 30 sleep 30 lose } #################################### ### SEVERAL TIMES USED FUNCTIONS ### #################################### func void sp_all(void) { co_message_display = 0 if(save_point eq 1) save_game 1 autosave if(save_point eq 2) save_game 2 autosave if(save_point eq 3) save_game 3 autosave if(save_point eq 4) save_game 4 autosave sleep 180 co_message_display = 1 } func void remove_ai(void) { ai2_kill sleep 60 powerup_reset weapon_reset sleep 240 corpse_reset } func void music_stop(void) { sound_music_stop mus_fiteb_hd sound_music_stop atm_low_perc1 sound_music_stop atm_cl12 } ########## ### SP1 ### ########## func void intro(void) { chr_inv_reset 0 ai2_spawn nookleft_thug_1 ai2_spawn nookright_thug_1 ai2_spawn ambush_striker_1 ai2_spawn ambush_striker_2 ai2_spawn ambush_striker_3 ai2_spawn partner_cop_1 ai2_spawn partner_cop_2 ai2_attack partner_cop_1 ambush_striker_1 ai2_attack partner_cop_2 ambush_striker_3 ai2_makeaware nookleft_thug_1 konoko ai2_makeaware nookright_thug_1 konoko objective_set 1 silent target_set 38 30 sleep 1 sound_music_start mus_fiteb_hd 0.75 sound_dialog_play c00_01_22shinatama } #tv3 - after door 3 (entry func: nookright); I've disabled it #tv1 - between door 2 and door 4 (entry func: nook_1); I've disabled it #lose func of ambush_striker_1 func void striker_lullaby_1(void) { striker_lullaby_3 } #lose func of ambush_striker_2 func void striker_lullaby_2(void) { striker_lullaby_3 } #lose func of ambush_striker_3 func void striker_lullaby_3(void) { var_counter = var_counter + 1 if(var_counter eq 3) { particle foyer_right_locklight01 do start door_unlock 21 trigvolume_enable tech_1 1 var_counter = 0 music_stop } } #tv2 - in front of door 21 func void tech_1(void) { ai2_spawn tech_thug_1 ai2_spawn tech_thug_1a ai2_dopath partner_cop_1 cop_backup_1a 1 ai2_dopath partner_cop_2 cop_backup_1b 1 } #tv28 - after door 21 (func: all_music_counters); I've disabled it #tv25 - complete room (func: feb_tober2); I've disabled it #console1 func void door_1(void) { door_lock 8 door_lock 15 ai2_spawn plasma_striker_1 particle febtober1_locklight01 do start particle lock_1a_locklight01 do start particle save1a_locklight01 do start door_unlock 19 target_set 123 30 } #tv5 - after door 19 func void bait_1(void) { ai2_spawn bait_commguy_1 ai2_spawn tech_thug_2 sleep 120 ai2_doalarm bait_commguy_1 15 sound_music_start atm_low_perc1 1.00 particle save1b_locklight01 do start door_unlock 11 ai2_dopath partner_cop_1 cop_backup_2a 1 ai2_dopath partner_cop_2 cop_backup_2b 1 } #tv13 - after door 13 (enter func: plasma_striker_1, loop func: calling_all_cars); I've disabled it #tv6 - after door 12 (func: calling_all_cars2); I've disabled it #console15 func void alarm_1(void) { ai2_spawn hall_striker_2 sound_ambient_start alarm_loop sleep 900 sound_ambient_stop alarm_loop } ########## ### SP2 ### ########## #tv18 - after door 11 func void tech_ambush_1(void) { if(save_point eq 2) { door_lock 8 door_lock 15 ai2_spawn plasma_striker_1 particle save1b_locklight01 do start door_unlock 11 objective_set 1 silent target_set 38 30 sleep 1 sound_music_start atm_low_perc1 1.00 sound_dialog_play c00_01_22shinatama } else save_game 2 autosave ai2_spawn hall_striker_1 door_lock 10 door_lock 12 } #console3 func void door_2(void) { particle febtober1_locklight01 do start particle lock88_locklight02 do start door_unlock 10 door_unlock 23 ai2_spawn patrol_striker_2 console_activate 4 1 target_set 124 30 sound_dialog_play c00_01_27shinatama } #tv7 - in front of door 7 func void cruel_1(void) { ai2_spawn cruel_commguy_1 ai2_spawn victim_femsci_1 } #console4 func void door_3(void) { music_stop particle lock_3_locklight01 do start door_unlock 4 ai2_spawn tech_thug_3 objective_set 2 silent target_set 128 30 sound_dialog_play c00_01_26shinatama } #tv4 - in some distance in front of door 23 (func: flyway_1); I've disabled it #tv19 - after door 23 func void new_target_1(void) { sound_music_start atm_cl12 0.75 target_set 54 30 } #tv15 - at the beginning of the stairs after door 24 func void beaters_1(void) { chr_delete plasma_striker_1 door_unlock 8 door_unlock 15 ai2_spawn scram_striker_1 ai2_spawn beater_thug_1 particle vent01 start } #lose func of beater_thug_1 func void beater_thug_2(void) { ai2_spawn beater_thug_2 } #lose func of scram_striker_1 func void backup_2(void) { ai2_spawn backup_thug_2 ai2_tripalarm 2 0 } #tv16 - in front of door 16 (enter func: scramble_sound_off, loop func: Griffin_1); I've disabled it #tv10 - after door 16 (enter func: set_objective_3, inside func: lowthug_1, leave func: disable_obj_trig_1); I've disabled it ########## ### SP3 ### ########## #tv26 - in some distance in front of door 15 func void save_point_3(void) { if(save_point ne 3) { fork remove_ai save_game 3 autosave particle vent01 do stop music_stop } particle hlock_1_locklight01 do start door_unlock 22 particle vent02 do start trig_activate 2 door_close 16 door_lock 16 trigvolume_enable febtober 1 ai2_spawn hidden_sci_1 ai2_spawn low_thug_1 ai2_spawn low_thug_2 objective_set 3 silent target_set 127 30 sleep 1 sound_dialog_play c00_01_18shinatama } #tv8 - in front of door 22 (func: hidden_1b); I've disabled it #tv9 - after door 22 #console7 func void guardroom_1(void) { particle guardroom_1_locklight01 do start door_unlock 14 ai2_spawn patrol_striker_3 ai2_spawn brain_commguy_1 ai2_spawn brain_commguy_2 console_deactivate 6 target_set 65 30 } #tv13 - at the beginning of the upper way, next to where the stairs ends (func: trigger_active_1); I've disabled it #tv24 - after the railing func void feb_tober(string ai_name) { fade_out 0 0 0 30 sleep 30 chr_teleport 0 41 chr_facetoflag 0 126 fade_in 30 trigvolume_reset febtober } #tv11 - after door 14 (func: brain_commguy_1); I've disabled it #console8 func void brainlock_1(void) { ai2_spawn low_striker_1 ai2_spawn low_striker_2 console_activate 6 target_set 126 30 } #tv12 - after door 8 func void low_striker_1(string ai_name) { ai2_spawn low_striker_1 ai2_spawn low_striker_2 } #tv20 - in front of the furniture with console6 (func: new_target_3); I've disabled it #console6 func void trigger_deactivate_4(void) { particle guardroom_2_locklight01 do start door_unlock 9 trig_deactivate 4 console_activate 5 target_set 125 30 } #console5 func void hidden_1(void) { particle brainlock_1_locklight02 do start door_unlock 6 target_set 129 30 trigvolume_enable cruel_striker_1 1 } #tv21 - in front of door 6 func void cruel_striker_1(void) { ai2_spawn cruel_striker_1 ai2_spawn victim_mansci_1 brain_start } func void brain_start(void) { particle brainlock_2_locklight01 do start particle brain do start particle brain1 do start trig_show 205 trig_show 2013 trig_show 2023 trig_show 2032 trig_show 2042 trig_speed 205 .4 trig_speed 2013 .4 trig_speed 2023 .4 trig_speed 2032 .4 trig_speed 2042 .4 } #called up, after you have talked to the scientist func void flee(void) { chr_talk victim_mansci_1 c02_62_11sci 0 0 ai2_dopath victim_mansci_1 victim_2 sleep 300 objective_set 4 silent sound_dialog_play c00_01_20shinatama } #tv17 - in front of the beginning of the stairs (func: outro); not used ########## ### SP4 ### ########## #tv27 - after door 26 func void sp4(void) { if(save_point eq 4) { brain_start objective_set 4 silent sleep 1 sound_dialog_play c00_01_20shinatama } else { save_game 4 autosave fork remove_ai particle brainlock_1_locklight02 do stop door_lock 6 particle vent02 stop } turret_deactivate 20 particle brainlock_3_locklight01 do start door_unlock 27 sound_ambient_start deadlybrain_sound 1.0 sound_music_start mus_cool4_hd 1 } #tv22 - in some distance after door 27 #tv23 - in some distance after door 27 on the right side func void lockit(void) { particle brainlock_3_locklight01 do stop door_close 27 door_jam 27 } #console21, console22, console23 and console24 func void brain_counter(void) { var_counter = var_counter + 1 if(var_counter eq 4) { fade_out 0 0 0 30 sleep 30 win } } ##################### ### TEXT CONSOLES ### ##################### func void level2a(string chr_index) { text_console level_2a console_reset 2 } func void level2b(string chr_index) { text_console level_2b console_reset 12 } func void level2c(string chr_index) { text_console level_2c console_reset 13 } func void level2d(string chr_index) { text_console level_2d console_reset 14 } func void level2e(string chr_index) { text_console level_2e console_reset 11 }