Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#108 closed defect

Mono not detected when installed on Mac — at Initial Version

Reported by: Iritscen Owned by: Christian
Priority: critical Component: AEI2
Keywords: Cc:


Over the last few months, there were various issues with Mono installing in 10.11. I believe all those have been cleared up by the developers. However, the AEI is now failing to detect Mono when it is installed. The install directory was moved from /usr/bin/ to /usr/local/bin/ to work with 10.11, but that shouldn't make a difference.

I see that the AEI is simply running "which mono" and checking the output to see if it looks like a path. This should work; on my Macs, I can run "which mono" in Terminal and get "/usr/local/bin/mono" as output, but the AEI does not seem to be getting this output when it runs the command. The result is that it tells the user to install .NET and quits.

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