Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #44, comment 11

03.05.2013 14:27:07 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #44, comment 11

    initial v1  
    1 I've got to ask .. Is it worth the effort ? If it's meant for a new technique for modding in the future then never mind but if this just for the glass mod i think it's better to just use oni files for the TRAMS .. Use the vanilla TRAMs and manually add the glass particle to them without any other changes in xml and have them as oni files. The gumby ones can be used but compare to vanilla and remove any other changes besides the glass particle .. And modify as to not include unnecessary glass particle as i discussed before (only have it at the foot or fist when the extremeties are involved and remove from moves which break glass already like earthquaker) then any other TRAM fixes are going to be made as xml patches anyway so these will easily add to the TRAM with the glass if it's installed since the xml patch will take the TRAMS in the highest package. All other TRAM modifications can be easily and should be transformed to xml patches (i'm working on that) so there's no incompatability risk the the TRAMs with glass will be overwritten by other TRAM. Then the ONCC modification can be made as xml patch to add the particle to the oncc and avoid incompatabilities with other oncc modifiying mods ... So in the end there will be an optional glass pack with xml patch for onccc and oni files for trams built from vanilla with only exception adding the particle and an oni file of the particle itself .. Will be compatible with all other xml tram patches .. If not that's why we have the incompatability field.
     1I've got to ask .. Is it worth the effort ? If it's meant for a new technique for modding in the future then never mind but if this just for the glass mod i think it's better to just use oni files for the TRAMS .. Use the vanilla TRAMs and manually add the glass particle to them without any other changes in xml and have them as oni files. The gumby ones can be used but compare to vanilla and remove any other changes besides the glass particle .. And modify as to not include unnecessary glass particle as i discussed before (only have it at the foot or fist when the extremeties are involved and remove from moves which break glass already like earthquaker) then any other TRAM fixes are going to be made as xml patches anyway so these will easily add to the TRAM with the glass if it's installed since the xml patch will take the TRAMS in the highest package. All other TRAM modifications can be easily and should be transformed to xml patches (i'm working on that) so there's no incompatability risk that the TRAMs with glass will be overwritten by other TRAM. Then the ONCC modification can be made as xml patch to add the particle to the oncc and avoid incompatabilities with other oncc modifiying mods ... So in the end there will be an optional glass pack with xml patch for onccc and oni files for trams built from vanilla with only exception adding the particle and an oni file of the particle itself .. Will be compatible with all other xml tram patches .. If not that's why we have the incompatability field.
    33The approach to add the glass particle to the TRAM with coding or the xml patch sounds good in theory but do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (effort, delay, security issues) vs just using the TRAMS as oni ? I don't see any added benefits for this particular mod.