Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #86

Sep 9, 2014, 11:30:57 AM (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #86

    • Property Reporter theolabreeden removed
    • Property Resolutioninvalid
    • Property Status newclosed
    • Property Summary read how to root nexus 5 4.3SPAM
  • Ticket #86 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 I know that some good articles to read that day, when I get to keep trawling through social networks that connects history and looks at me, as well as all the main page. If you have a Nexus 05, one day you are interested in getting it, seems to already have at least a root. ES File Explorer, and is better than no root administrator. Even if not corrected, phone, ES File Manager, you can copy, move, delete, organize or side-load or download in the Android, so any change in the name, you're on your phone, you can control you.
    3 You're one step ahead, which led to the next Android version, the next Nexus Nexus 05 check, but I can not interfere with your game Developer Preview flashing a custom ROM, or you can just take you to the [] amazingly Shine Icon Pack for use with your heart that you can get your favorite Android tab L-shaped the next-generation launcher custom icons and buttons.
    5 I do not have time for the L, Google will release the Android finally has a full-time now. Although speculation about the possible name of Android 5.0, I think we have a few new screenshots shed new light on the new Nexus smartphone specifications leaked at the weekend we will still be here to bring a new perspective, as well as our first. New Nexus came as the next version of Android, called by different names in the press.