1 | | Oops, I forgot that XmlTools is natively compiled, sorry. Yes, I suppose you just need to wait for Qt to get their act together. It seems that since Apple deprecated Gestalt back in 10.8, it does not support the new two-digit minor version numbers starting with 10.10. The proper call is now [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersionString], but you shouldn't need to know that. |
| 1 | Oops, I forgot that XmlTools is natively compiled, sorry. Yes, I suppose you just need to wait for Qt to get their act together. It seems that since Apple deprecated Gestalt back in 10.8, it does not support the new two-digit minor version numbers starting with 10.10. The proper call is now [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersion], but you shouldn't need to know that. |