Daodan DLL Tickets (37 matches)

All bug reports for the Daodan DLL, open and closed.


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Resolution
#145 Add animation types to Oni Alloc enhancement new minor
#144 Patch Oni to support monitors over 60Hz Alloc enhancement closed major fixed
#143 Correct Oni's sprite-drawing for widescreen resolutions Alloc enhancement assigned major
#142 Add shield-bypassing flag to PAR3 Alloc enhancement new major
#141 Add support for smart TXAN Alloc enhancement new minor
#137 Carry over support for Japanese text from J release Alloc enhancement new minor
#134 Display a warning when an undeclared variable is used in BSL Iritscen enhancement closed minor wontfix
#133 Add support for clipboard paste (or even copy) in Oni Dev console Iritscen enhancement assigned minor
#127 Outro movie plays only sound with black screen alloc defect new minor
#101 Resume button-moving feature should support any size of Main Menu Alloc defect new minor
#99 Allow cheat codes to be bound in key_config.txt Alloc enhancement closed minor fixed
#81 Check and fix all custom BSL commands Alloc defect new minor
#80 Break out language-section to localization files Alloc enhancement closed major fixed
#77 Detours in data segment make Oni crash with security tools Alloc defect closed critical fixed
#76 Proxy Bink functions Alloc task closed minor fixed
#75 Rewrite config engine Alloc enhancement closed major fixed
#74 Allow for "Patches" as section name Alloc enhancement closed major fixed
#72 Allow blanks in daodan.ini Alloc defect closed minor fixed
#68 Number of polygons that can be rendered simultaneously should be increased Alloc enhancement closed major wontfix
#67 Add timestamp to startup.txt Alloc enhancement closed minor fixed
#66 Daodan showing inverted resolutions Alloc defect closed major fixed
#65 Menu problems when doing stuff too quickly Alloc defect new major
#64 Show enemy lasersights only in MP, not in SP Alloc defect closed minor fixed
#46 ai2_shownames causes Blam! Alloc defect closed major fixed
#42 BSL: sprintf with floats not working Alloc defect closed major fixed
#41 Weapon on ground display only in first levels Alloc defect closed major wontfix
#40 Command line Daodan option parsing error Alloc defect closed major fixed
#38 Cutscene skipping Alloc enhancement new major
#37 BSL overloaded by standing in damaging TV Alloc enhancement new minor
#36 Forgetful AI Alloc enhancement closed trivial fixed
#31 Only try to load chinese DLL if file exists alloc enhancement closed major fixed
#30 Camera drift bug task new minor
#27 Raise Oni's particle class limit to 2048 enhancement closed major wontfix
#21 Remove himynameisalex easter egg alloc defect closed trivial fixed
#20 Developer console text is hidden at 1080p alloc defect closed major fixed
#2 Outro is only playing audio defect closed minor invalid
#1 Pause dialog not closing on Linux/Wine defect closed minor invalid
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