Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#127 new defect

Outro movie plays only sound with black screen

Reported by: s10k Owned by: alloc
Priority: minor Component: Daodan/Win
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Iritscen)

The command movie_play / bink play seems to be broken in my machine. [Edit: And also regular playback of "outro" upon beating the game, as discussed below. -Iritscen]

When I do "movie_play outro" in the dev console, the movie does seem to start to play (I hear the audio) but the video is not displayed; I can only see the current game. I believe the video is playing below the game window while it should play above the game window.

Here's the settings in my daodan ini:






debugfiles = true


Also I tried binkplay = false in daodan.ini and this time, and the first time that I input the BSL command it works, but once I input the command again the problem comes back.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by s10k, 7 years ago

Btw I think it would be nice by default to play the movies scaled up to user's resolution so it would fit all the screen. What do you guys think?

comment:2 by Iritscen, 6 years ago

Just to be clear -- when you beat the game, does outro have the same playback problem?

comment:3 by s10k, 6 years ago

Yes it does.

comment:4 by Iritscen, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: "movie_play script function" / "bink video play" is brokenOutro movie plays only sound with black screen
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