{6} All Tickets (Including closed) (153 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 153 of 153)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Type Priority Owner Modified
#9 Message and progress bar get cut off while globalizing AEI2/UI closed wontfix defect trivial Alloc 12.04.2013
#22 Loading mod selection does not update "to download" text AEI2/UI closed fixed defect minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#15 Allow user to copy installed mods to clipboard as human-readable string AEI2/UI closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#18 Add "clear filter" button and "show Installed" radio button AEI2/UI closed fixed enhancement trivial Alloc 12.04.2013
#11 Avoid problems with mod and patch overload AEI2 new defect critical Alloc 13.02.2014
#92 Installation fails when ...? Using a foreign language in Windows? AEI2 reopened defect critical Alloc 26.03.2021
#136 AEI should display an error message dialog if any of the installation steps return an error AEI2 new defect critical Alloc 16.02.2019
#12 File conflict/overwrite alert AEI2 accepted enhancement major Alloc 13.02.2014
#56 Move mods which are renumbered AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 19.05.2013
#70 Unzipping Mac apps kills symbolic links AEI2 new defect major Alloc 10.02.2014
#79 Recognize svn errors AEI2 new defect major Alloc 21.10.2017
#106 Move mod storage from Mod Depot to Subversion AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 13.09.2015
#107 Report .NET version in use AEI2 new defect major Alloc 17.03.2016
#129 Rebuild levels if package contents were changed AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 14.01.2018
#140 Support Oni Demo for AE AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 25.04.2019
#146 AE Setup defaulting to old installation directory AEI2 assigned defect major Iritscen 01.06.2020
#152 Skip .oni-patch files that would apply to non-existent files AEI2 assigned enhancement major Alloc 10.06.2020
#123 AEI: locally stored tools cannot be deleted AEI2 new defect trivial Alloc 16.10.2017
#126 AEI2 bsl core packages override installed mods AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 22.10.2017
#109 Architecture is reported incorrectly in log AEI2 closed fixed defect minor Alloc 16.10.2017
#112 Do not list core mods as tools AEI2 closed fixed defect trivial Alloc 16.10.2017
#100 Java 8 breaks AEI Updater AEI2 closed worksforme defect critical Alloc 16.03.2016
#108 Mono not detected when installed on Mac AEI2 closed invalid defect critical Alloc 19.12.2015
#82 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.09.2015
#89 On Macs, intro/outro.mov need copying too AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 07.04.2015
#102 AE Setup does not seem to create Oni shortcut on desktop in Windows 8.1 AEI2 closed fixed defect minor Alloc 25.03.2015
#91 List file sizes in support request's filelist.txt AEI2 closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 23.03.2015
#97 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.11.2014
#98 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.11.2014
#96 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 12.11.2014
#95 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 12.11.2014
#94 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 05.11.2014
#93 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 04.11.2014
#88 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 17.09.2014
#87 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 10.09.2014
#86 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 09.09.2014
#84 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 04.09.2014
#83 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 03.09.2014
#73 Include daodan.ini in AEI support requests AEI2 closed fixed enhancement major Alloc 29.03.2014
#60 Don't let ƒ break path names AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 13.02.2014
#61 Report Java version in use AEI2 closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 24.06.2013
#62 Check for Updates not working properly AEI2 closed fixed defect minor Alloc 24.06.2013
#52 Refresh list fully AEI2 closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 09.05.2013
#25 Notification when new mods are added to depot AEI2 closed fixed enhancement trivial Alloc 08.05.2013
#48 AEI 2.0.6's launch hangs at update check AEI2 closed invalid defect critical Alloc 04.05.2013
#3 Proxy support AEI2 closed fixed task major Alloc 03.05.2013
#47 Do not overwrite locally-newer package AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 02.05.2013
#7 After initialization, either warn user to install something or make GDF AEI2 closed fixed defect minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#8 Only recreate GDF files if the mod selection requires to AEI2 closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#5 Allow AEI to remove files from previous versions of tool/patch packages AEI2 closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#14 AEI2 replaces Oni app and launch_args.txt AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 12.04.2013
#19 Update Info AEI2 closed wontfix enhancement minor Alloc 08.04.2013
#17 Install Button Not Working due to typo in mod.cfg AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 07.04.2013
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.