{6} All Tickets (Including closed) (153 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 153 of 153)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Type Priority Owner Modified
#110 ONI FILES to DAT - Add button does not select folder containing the files Vago closed fixed defect major s10k 02.04.2016
#103 Crash at startup from QTextStream Vago closed fixed defect major s10k 16.03.2016
#82 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.09.2015
#89 On Macs, intro/outro.mov need copying too AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 07.04.2015
#85 Plus sign in path to Oni causes AE to fail AEI2/Updater closed fixed defect major Alloc 23.03.2015
#78 Run Oni buttons bypass launch_args.txt in Intel Mac build AEI2/UI closed fixed defect major Alloc 23.03.2015
#97 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.11.2014
#98 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.11.2014
#96 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 12.11.2014
#95 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 12.11.2014
#94 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 05.11.2014
#93 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 04.11.2014
#88 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 17.09.2014
#87 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 10.09.2014
#86 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 09.09.2014
#84 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 04.09.2014
#83 SPAM AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 03.09.2014
#71 Wrong element name can cause segmentation fault XmlTools closed fixed defect major s10k 25.04.2014
#80 Break out language-section to localization files Daodan/Win closed fixed enhancement major Alloc 07.04.2014
#74 Allow for "Patches" as section name Daodan/Win closed fixed enhancement major Alloc 06.04.2014
#75 Rewrite config engine Daodan/Win closed fixed enhancement major Alloc 06.04.2014
#73 Include daodan.ini in AEI support requests AEI2 closed fixed enhancement major Alloc 29.03.2014
#20 Developer console text is hidden at 1080p Daodan/Win closed fixed defect major alloc 17.03.2014
#60 Don't let ƒ break path names AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 13.02.2014
#43 xmlTools feature request: conditions-based replace command XmlTools closed duplicate enhancement major s10k 06.02.2014
#33 Error when extracting ONCC with TRAM Vago closed fixed defect major s10k 08.01.2014
#27 Raise Oni's particle class limit to 2048 Daodan/Win closed wontfix enhancement major 19.09.2013
#66 Daodan showing inverted resolutions Daodan/Win closed fixed defect major Alloc 26.07.2013
#58 -noanim checkbox for extracting models Vago closed invalid enhancement major s10k 23.05.2013
#51 Settings Dialogue won't close AEI2/UI closed fixed defect major Alloc 20.05.2013
#41 Weapon on ground display only in first levels Daodan/Win closed wontfix defect major Alloc 04.05.2013
#3 Proxy support AEI2 closed fixed task major Alloc 03.05.2013
#4 AEIU should check if SVN check/update was successful AEI2/Updater closed fixed defect major Alloc 03.05.2013
#47 Do not overwrite locally-newer package AEI2 closed invalid defect major Alloc 02.05.2013
#46 ai2_shownames causes Blam! Daodan/Win closed fixed defect major Alloc 02.05.2013
#42 BSL: sprintf with floats not working Daodan/Win closed fixed defect major Alloc 29.04.2013
#40 Command line Daodan option parsing error Daodan/Win closed fixed defect major Alloc 29.04.2013
#31 Only try to load chinese DLL if file exists Daodan/Win closed fixed enhancement major alloc 29.04.2013
#26 After updating to 2.04 info on Installed mods gone AEI2/Updater closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.04.2013
#14 AEI2 replaces Oni app and launch_args.txt AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 12.04.2013
#16 Dashing AI mod causes crash while shapeshifting Packages closed fixed defect major 08.04.2013
#17 Install Button Not Working due to typo in mod.cfg AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 07.04.2013
#11 Avoid problems with mod and patch overload AEI2 new defect critical Alloc 13.02.2014
#92 Installation fails when ...? Using a foreign language in Windows? AEI2 reopened defect critical Alloc 26.03.2021
#119 Vago suggestions: shell extensions for most important conversions Vago new enhancement critical s10k 28.09.2016
#132 Vago is broken in macOS 10.13 Vago new defect critical s10k 04.02.2018
#136 AEI should display an error message dialog if any of the installation steps return an error AEI2 new defect critical Alloc 16.02.2019
#105 Package creation fails on copy error Vago closed fixed defect critical s10k 25.03.2016
#100 Java 8 breaks AEI Updater AEI2 closed worksforme defect critical Alloc 16.03.2016
#108 Mono not detected when installed on Mac AEI2 closed invalid defect critical Alloc 19.12.2015
#77 Detours in data segment make Oni crash with security tools Daodan/Win closed fixed defect critical Alloc 02.04.2014
#44 Code-like syntax for XmlTools patch files XmlTools closed fixed enhancement critical s10k 06.02.2014
#48 AEI 2.0.6's launch hangs at update check AEI2 closed invalid defect critical Alloc 04.05.2013
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