Changeset 381 for AE/packages

Jul 5, 2009, 12:53:23 AM (16 years ago)

Updated Main Menu to reflect July release, not June.
Touched up and fixed minor errors in some mod info files.

11 edited


  • AE/packages/BrutalAI/Mod_Info.cfg

    r376 r381  
    11AEInstallVersion ->  1.0 //
    2 NameOfMod -> Brutal Enemies
     2NameOfMod -> Brutal AI
    33ModString -> BrutalAI 1
    44Category -> AE: Characters
    5 Creator -> Loser\EdT
     5Creator -> Loser/EdT
    66HasOnis -> Yes
    7 Readme -> Adds Brutal Konoko and Brutal Strikers \n \n Brutal Konoko can be seen in Dream Lab \n \n Brutal Strikers appear wherever a normal striker would appear in Easy\Normal mode. In Hard mode, they get a different skin, but are just as Brutal.
     7Readme -> Improves the melee AI for Konoko and Strikers.  Brutal Konoko can be seen in Dream Lab (Chapter 11).  Brutal Strikers appear wherever a normal striker would appear in Easy/Normal mode. In Hard mode, they get a different skin, but are just as Brutal.
  • AE/packages/DangerousGlass/Mod_Info.cfg

    r376 r381  
    22NameOfMod -> Dangerous Glass
    33ModString -> DangerousGlass 1
    4 Category -> AE: New Content
     4Category -> AE: Particles
    55Creator -> Geyser
    66HasOnis -> Yes
    99HasDats -> No
    1010IsEngine -> No
    11 Readme -> Makes shards of glass hurt when you touch them. \n \n This mod is best combined with Glass Breaking Moves.
     11Readme -> When windows are broken, the shards of broken glass hurt anyone they touch.  This mod was designed to go along with Glass Breaking Moves.
    1212GlobalNeeded -> Yes
  • AE/packages/DashingAI/Mod_Info.cfg

    r367 r381  
    99HasDats -> No // Default = No. These should be very rare.
    1010IsEngine -> No // Default = No
    11 Readme -> Makes AI dash. \n Warning: may mess up a few cutscenes, but won't negatively affect gameplay.
     11Readme -> Makes AI-controlled characters dash instead of running. This levels the playing field so that Konoko cannot easily out-run them. \n Warning: will mess up a few cutscenes, but won't negatively affect gameplay.
    1212GlobalNeeded -> Yes // Default = Yes
  • AE/packages/GlassBreakingMoves/Mod_Info.cfg

    r367 r381  
    1 AAEInstallVersion ->  1.0
     1AEInstallVersion ->  1.0
    22NameOfMod -> Glass Breaking Moves
    33ModString -> GlassBreakingMoves 1
    4 Category -> AE: New Content
    5 Creator -> Gumby/???
     4Category -> AE: Animation
     5Creator -> Gumby/geyser
    66HasOnis -> No
    77HasDeltas -> Yes
  • AE/packages/ImprovedWeather/Mod_Info.cfg

    r376 r381  
    33ModString -> ImprovedWeather 1 // Short name Simple version number. Read for updating.
    44Category -> AE: Particles //
    5 Creator -> Gumby\Bungie //
     5Creator -> Gumby/Bungie
    66HasOnis -> Yes // Default = No
    7 Readme -> Improves Oni's weather effects. \n \n Currently contains: \n 1. Rain splash effect
     7Readme -> Improves Oni's weather effects. \n \n Currently contains: \n 1. Rain splash effect.
  • AE/packages/KnockdownRevamp/Mod_Info.cfg

    r367 r381  
    11AEInstallVersion -> 1.0 //
    2 NameOfMod -> Knockdowns Revamp // Comment area ^_^ This is what is displayed on the package. Quotes are optional.
     2NameOfMod -> Knockdown Revamp // Comment area ^_^ This is what is displayed on the package. Quotes are optional.
    33ModString -> KnockdownRevamp 1 // Short name Simple version number. Read for updating.
    44Category -> AE: Animation  //
    5 Creator -> Gumby/Loser //
     5Creator -> Gumby/Loser
    66HasOnis -> Yes // Default = No
    77HasDeltas -> No // Default = No
    99HasDats -> No // Default = No. These should be very rare.
    1010IsEngine -> No // Default = No
    11 Readme -> 1. You don't lose your weapon on normal knockdowns \n 1a. You can lose it on throws and leg sweep knockdowns \n 2. You can shoot while on the ground \n 3. Blownup enemies can knock other people down
     11Readme -> 1. Characters don't lose their weapon on normal knockdowns; this allows you to shoot from a knocked-down position. You, and the AI, will still lose the weapon on throws and leg sweep knockdowns, however. \n 2. Blownup enemies can knock other people down.
  • AE/packages/NewCharacters/Mod_Info.cfg

    r367 r381  
    11AEInstallVersion ->  1.0 //
    2 NameOfMod -> New Characters //
     2NameOfMod -> New Characters
    33ModString -> NewCharacters 1
    44Category -> AE: New Content
    99HasDats -> No
    1010IsEngine -> No
    11 Readme -> Adds new characters to Oni. \n \n Currently contains: \n 1. BGI troop pack \n 2. Ninjabot2
     11Readme -> Adds new characters to Oni. \n \n Currently contains: \n 1. BGI troop pack. \n 2. Ninjabot 2.
    1212GlobalNeeded -> Yes
  • AE/packages/NewWeapons/Mod_Info.cfg

    r367 r381  
    99HasDats -> No
    1010IsEngine -> No
    11 Readme -> Adds new weapons to Oni. \n \n Currently contains: \n 1. BGI Subjugator \n 2. BGI Rocket Launcher \n 3. Chaingun \n 4. Superninja Fireball gun \n 4. WMC Lite \n 5. SBG2 \n Several other unnamed weapons...
     11Readme -> Adds new weapons to Oni. \n \n Currently contains: \n 1. BGI Subjugator. \n 2. BGI Rocket Launcher. \n 3. Chaingun. \n 4. Devil Star gun. \n 5. WMC Lite. \n 6. SBG2 \n 7. TK (Telekinetic) Bracelet. \n Other unnamed weapons....
    1212GlobalNeeded -> Yes
  • AE/packages/NinjaShadowDash/Mod_Info.cfg

    r375 r381  
    11AEInstallVersion -> 1.0 //
    2 NameOfMod -> Ninjas
     2NameOfMod -> Ninja Shadow Dash
    33ModString -> NinjaShadowDash 1
    4 Category -> AE: Animations
     4Category -> AE: Animation
    55Creator -> Gumby
    66HasOnis -> Yes
  • AE/packages/UpgradedONCCs/Mod_Info.cfg

    r375 r381  
    1 AAEInstallVersion ->  1.0 //
     1AEInstallVersion ->  1.0 //
    22NameOfMod -> Upgraded ONCCs
    33ModString -> UpgradedONCCs 1
    4 Category -> AE: Characters
     4Category -> AE: Difficulty
    55Creator -> Loser
    66HasOnis -> Yes
    77HasDeltas -> No
    8 Readme -> Gives enemies more health, better bullet dodges, and better blocking skills.
     8Readme -> Gives enemies more health, better bullet dodging, and better blocking skills.
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