Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#16 closed defect (fixed)

Dashing AI mod causes crash while shapeshifting

Reported by: EdT Owned by:
Priority: major Component: Packages
Keywords: Cc:


While cycling through the characters, Oni will crash when you get to the Large Shin Dream Lab character. This only occurs when the Dashing AI mod is enabled.

The error message is:

0 com.godgames.oni 0x001420be TRrAnimation_GetShortcutIndex + 16
1 com.godgames.oni 0x00142185 TRrAnimation_IsShortcut + 32
2 com.godgames.oni 0x001422d9 TRrAnimation_GetEndInterpolation + 40
3 com.godgames.oni 0x000639fe ONrCharacter_NextAnimation + 416
4 com.godgames.oni 0x0005dd1a ONrGameState_DoCharacterFrame + 12515
5 com.godgames.oni 0x0005f7b3 ONrGameState_UpdateCharacters + 1246
6 com.godgames.oni 0x000828f5 ONrGameState_ProcessHeartbeat + 1028
7 com.godgames.oni 0x000831c9 ONrGameState_Update + 131
8 com.godgames.oni 0x0000397b ONiRunGame + 472
9 com.godgames.oni 0x0000479c ONiMain + 1039
10 com.godgames.oni 0x00004879 main + 56
11 com.godgames.oni 0x00002292 start + 54

Change History (2)

comment:1 by s10k, 12 years ago

Upload EdT version should fix the bug, plus fix the cutscenes.

comment:2 by EdT, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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