Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#153 When loading the same project twice, existing items in tables get duplicated new s10k defect minor Vago
#132 Vago is broken in macOS 10.13 new s10k defect critical Vago
#127 Outro movie plays only sound with black screen new alloc defect minor Daodan/Win
#150 Improve applying of options / make options from context menu more visible new s10k defect major Vago
#133 Add support for clipboard paste (or even copy) in Oni Dev console assigned Iritscen enhancement minor Daodan/Win
#136 AEI should display an error message dialog if any of the installation steps return an error new Alloc defect critical AEI2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.