Custom Query (25 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Created
#12 File conflict/overwrite alert accepted Alloc major AEI2 11 years
#28 Allow user to only be notified about updates to installed mods new Alloc minor AEI2/UI 11 years
#37 BSL overloaded by standing in damaging TV new Alloc minor Daodan/Win 11 years
#38 Cutscene skipping new Alloc major Daodan/Win 11 years
#56 Move mods which are renumbered new Alloc major AEI2 11 years
#106 Move mod storage from Mod Depot to Subversion new Alloc major AEI2 9 years
#129 Rebuild levels if package contents were changed new Alloc major AEI2 7 years
#137 Carry over support for Japanese text from J release new Alloc minor Daodan/Win 6 years
#140 Support Oni Demo for AE new Alloc major AEI2 5 years
#141 Add support for smart TXAN new Alloc minor Daodan/Win 5 years
#142 Add shield-bypassing flag to PAR3 new Alloc major Daodan/Win 5 years
#143 Correct Oni's sprite-drawing for widescreen resolutions assigned Alloc major Daodan/Win 5 years
#145 Add animation types to Oni new Alloc minor Daodan/Win 5 years
#152 Skip .oni-patch files that would apply to non-existent files assigned Alloc major AEI2 4 years
#10 Add mod preview images assigned Iritscen major WebTools/ModDepot 11 years
#32 Read Incompatibility\Dependency from Depot new Iritscen minor WebTools/ModDepot 11 years
#133 Add support for clipboard paste (or even copy) in Oni Dev console assigned Iritscen minor Daodan/Win 6 years
#139 Support non-English characters in game strings assigned Iritscen major Daodan/Mac 5 years
#115 Vago suggestions: TRAC editor new s10k major Vago 8 years
#117 Vago suggestions: TXMP "flying head" editor new s10k minor Vago 8 years
#119 Vago suggestions: shell extensions for most important conversions new s10k critical Vago 8 years
#121 Vago suggestions: sound wizard enhancement new s10k minor Vago 8 years
#122 Vago suggestion: sound wizard enhancement #2 new s10k major Vago 8 years
#147 Add -blender command option when importing and exporting TRAMs new s10k major Vago 5 years
#151 Vago: option to disable warning for clearing new s10k minor Vago 4 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.