Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Created
#11 Avoid problems with mod and patch overload new Christian critical AEI2 12 years
#92 Installation fails when ...? Using a foreign language in Windows? reopened Christian critical AEI2 10 years
#132 Vago is broken in macOS 10.13 new s10k critical Vago 7 years
#136 AEI should display an error message dialog if any of the installation steps return an error new Christian critical AEI2 6 years
#54 bin SVN sometimes stays locked after failed update new Christian major AEI2/Updater 12 years
#63 AE Self updater does not close and launch AEI new Christian major AEI2/Updater 12 years
#65 Menu problems when doing stuff too quickly new Christian major Daodan/Win 12 years
#70 Unzipping Mac apps kills symbolic links new Christian major AEI2 11 years
#79 Recognize svn errors new Christian major AEI2 11 years
#107 Report .NET version in use new Christian major AEI2 9 years
#146 AE Setup defaulting to old installation directory assigned Iritscen major AEI2 5 years
#149 Sound Wizard OSBD.grp properties new s10k major Vago 5 years
#150 Improve applying of options / make options from context menu more visible new s10k major Vago 5 years
#34 Blood mod: Droids shouldn't bleed new minor Packages 12 years
#39 Widescreen Fixes - Dream Lab & TCTF II new minor Packages 12 years
#81 Check and fix all custom BSL commands new Christian minor Daodan/Win 11 years
#101 Resume button-moving feature should support any size of Main Menu new Christian minor Daodan/Win 10 years
#127 Outro movie plays only sound with black screen new alloc minor Daodan/Win 7 years
#153 When loading the same project twice, existing items in tables get duplicated new s10k minor Vago 4 years
#6 Use Windows Oni icon for "Run Oni" buttons in Windows new Christian trivial AEI2/UI 12 years
#69 App name appears in Dock as "java" in OS X 10.9+ new Christian trivial AEI2/UI 11 years
#123 AEI: locally stored tools cannot be deleted new Christian trivial AEI2 8 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.