Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#104 closed defect (fixed)

Mod Package Wizard suggestions

Reported by: Iritscen Owned by: s10k
Priority: trivial Component: Vago
Keywords: Cc:


As with Vago overall, I'm really liking how the wizard works. It's a great little convenience. I just have a few nitpicks:

  • When the Mandatory Fields screen first appears, the "Type" popup menu is set to "Weapons", but the text in the "Package Number" field that should say "1000X" is not filled in yet, so the user won't know at first that he is going to get any help in choosing a number. Can you either fill in that text from the start, or else add an item to the "Type" menu called "Choose type" and make that the initial selection? The second method is a pretty common solution to this UI problem. That way, the user will always pick a category, and thus will always get the helpful text in "Package Number".
  • The numbering guide text should really be "1XXXX", not "1000X".
  • I think you should alphabetize the items in the "Type" menu, as the user will not know why the list starts with the "W" item. Ordering the items by their numbering range is not as intuitive as going by the name of the type.
  • The message "Package 10001 seems it's not being used yet!" is not grammatical; maybe you can put "It seems that the package number 10001 is not being used yet!" instead.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by s10k, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks Iritscen. Fixed on 9.0c.

"I think you should alphabetize the items in the 'Type' menu, as the user will not know why the list starts with the 'W' item. Ordering the items by their numbering range is not as intuitive as going by the name of the type."

Don't get me wrong but I think I pass this one. The list is very short so I don't think this will improve much the user selection. Also from a programmer perspective the order is important to me because I have not hardcoded the default package number, I display the correct package number by the current display order.

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