Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#105 closed defect (fixed)

Package creation fails on copy error

Reported by: Iritscen Owned by: s10k
Priority: critical Component: Vago
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Iritscen)

After dropping a level0/ folder with an .oni file in it into the Common field on the next-to-last screen of the Mod Package Wizard, and then leaving the two boxes on the final screen checked, hitting "Done" always yields this error:

(By the way, that message should say "copying", not "copping".)

As you can see, the resulting package's common/ folder has no contents:

Attachments (2)

Vago-PackageWizardFailure.jpg (41.1 KB ) - added by Iritscen 10 years ago.
Vago-PackageWizardResults.jpg (50.9 KB ) - added by Iritscen 10 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

by Iritscen, 10 years ago

by Iritscen, 10 years ago

comment:1 by Iritscen, 10 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by s10k, 10 years ago

I'm having serious issues in getting a VM MacOS of 10.10 working. This fix may take more time that what I was expecting.

comment:3 by Iritscen, 10 years ago

Let me know if there is more info I can provide from a log, or if you want to add some logging to a test build that I can run.

comment:4 by s10k, 10 years ago

I've got the 10.10 build running here. It is a bit sluggish (840x640 resolution) but works. The trouble now seems to be to get Vago and Qt compile in this new OS. Dunno why qt version 5.5.0 doesn't compile with clang and Vago project. Not owning a physical mac also doesn't help.

comment:5 by Iritscen, 10 years ago

Back when Gumby wrote the AEI 1 (built with wxWidgets), I would compile the Mac build on my Mac, rather than Gumby trying to get all that code building for Mac from his PC. So I wouldn't mind trying to build Vago for you on the Mac. Is the code on our svn the latest version of Vago?

comment:6 by s10k, 9 years ago

Yes it is the latest code. You would need to download latest Qt toolkit (qtcreator + clang) from their website and open the project in Qt Creator.

The problem is that we need also to find the bugs and fix them. I wasn't able yet to build it in latest mac os x so I haven't been able to see what's wrong.

(in this case seems Microsoft provides a much better compatibility layers to the desktop apps than Apple does for instance I never needed to recompile Vago for Windows 8/8.1 or 10.)

Last edited 9 years ago by s10k (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by Iritscen, 9 years ago

Awfully late bump: I committed the path fix that we discussed a couple weeks ago. You might remember that there was a second place that Vago was setting a working dir. which I thought also needed to be corrected. However, it seems to still work fine, so I didn't change it, and merely marked it with an added logging command.

Unfortunately the program is still not converting a test .oni to .xml. I'm not sure what the issue is, as it says the conversion is successful, but there is no file outputted. The folders inside VagoWorkspace/ that are supposed to contain the file (XML/ONI - XML/) are also missing. Perhaps the failure is in creating the folders?

comment:8 by s10k, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Finally fixed in 9.0b.

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