Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#68 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Number of polygons that can be rendered simultaneously should be increased

Reported by: Paradox-01 Owned by: Christian
Priority: major Component: Daodan/Win
Keywords: environment polygons render limit daodan Cc:


Currently the camera can look at 8192 (213) env polygons.
That sounds much but isn't.
It's like 7 lowpoly trees, a ground to stand on and a lot of ... empty space ... to look at.

For nice nature levels it would nice to have a bigger limit like 32768. If the performance doesn't go down maybe even more.

I think it should be within reach for you guys to find the data type or variable in the engine that is to blame and add a more powerful version to the daodan.

So, plz? ^_^

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Christian, 12 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Probably EdT already told you this won't happen anytime soon as this would require quite a lot changes in the engine. Actually don't expect this to happen before someone buys the rights on Oni ;)

comment:2 by Iritscen, 3 years ago

Component: DaodanDaodan/Win
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