
Apr 17, 2016:

6:47 PM Ticket #112 (Do not list core mods as tools) created by Iritscen
I thought this had been reported before, or even fixed, but maybe my …

Apr 2, 2016:

9:30 PM Changeset [1041] by s10k
small fix for windows 0.9c
7:34 PM Changeset [1040] by s10k
updated readme 0.9c
5:58 PM Changeset [1039] by s10k
5:57 PM Ticket #104 (Mod Package Wizard suggestions) closed by s10k
fixed: Thanks Iritscen. Fixed on 9.0c. "I think you should alphabetize the …
5:40 PM Changeset [1038] by s10k
5:38 PM Ticket #111 (%2F in filename causes error) closed by s10k
invalid: @Iritscen this is definitely a OniSplit problem, not a Vago one. For …
5:35 PM Ticket #110 (ONI FILES to DAT - Add button does not select folder containing the files) closed by s10k
fixed: Fixed on 0.9c.
5:31 PM Changeset [1037] by s10k
5:31 PM Changeset [1036] by s10k
Vago 0.9c

Apr 1, 2016:

5:26 AM Ticket #111 (%2F in filename causes error) updated by EdT
Interesting, this command works: mono onisplit.exe -create:txmp …
4:58 AM Ticket #111 (%2F in filename causes error) updated by Iritscen
The code you posted is not going to be useful to s10k since it's in …
4:37 AM Ticket #111 (%2F in filename causes error) updated by EdT
Edit: Ignore this comment I need to double check my code.
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