Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Created
#119 Vago suggestions: shell extensions for most important conversions new s10k enhancement critical 9 years
#132 Vago is broken in macOS 10.13 new s10k defect critical 7 years
#115 Vago suggestions: TRAC editor new s10k enhancement major 9 years
#122 Vago suggestion: sound wizard enhancement #2 new s10k enhancement major 8 years
#147 Add -blender command option when importing and exporting TRAMs new s10k enhancement major 5 years
#149 Sound Wizard OSBD.grp properties new s10k defect major 5 years
#150 Improve applying of options / make options from context menu more visible new s10k defect major 5 years
#117 Vago suggestions: TXMP "flying head" editor new s10k enhancement minor 9 years
#121 Vago suggestions: sound wizard enhancement new s10k enhancement minor 8 years
#151 Vago: option to disable warning for clearing new s10k enhancement minor 5 years
#153 When loading the same project twice, existing items in tables get duplicated new s10k defect minor 4 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.