Custom Query (105 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#105 fixed Package creation fails on copy error s10k Iritscen
Description After dropping a level0/ folder with an .oni file in it into the Common field on the next-to-last screen of the Mod Package Wizard, and then leaving the two boxes on the final screen checked, hitting "Done" always yields this error:

(By the way, that message should say "copying", not "copping".)

As you can see, the resulting package's common/ folder has no contents:
#144 fixed Patch Oni to support monitors over 60Hz Alloc Iritscen
Description PCGamingWiki has a "[ Hz patch]" for Oni that could be incorporated into the Daodan DLL.
#1 invalid Pause dialog not closing on Linux/Wine Alloc
Description On Wine if you try to close the pause dialog (opened by F1 by default) it does popup again directly afterwards. Takes a number of times until it stays closed (e.g. keeping the Esc button pressed for sometimes up to 10 seconds).
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