{6} All Tickets (Including closed) (153 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 153 of 153)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Type Priority Owner Modified
#26 After updating to 2.04 info on Installed mods gone AEI2/Updater closed invalid defect major Alloc 13.04.2013
#9 Message and progress bar get cut off while globalizing AEI2/UI closed wontfix defect trivial Alloc 12.04.2013
#7 After initialization, either warn user to install something or make GDF AEI2 closed fixed defect minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#8 Only recreate GDF files if the mod selection requires to AEI2 closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#22 Loading mod selection does not update "to download" text AEI2/UI closed fixed defect minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#15 Allow user to copy installed mods to clipboard as human-readable string AEI2/UI closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#18 Add "clear filter" button and "show Installed" radio button AEI2/UI closed fixed enhancement trivial Alloc 12.04.2013
#5 Allow AEI to remove files from previous versions of tool/patch packages AEI2 closed fixed enhancement minor Alloc 12.04.2013
#14 AEI2 replaces Oni app and launch_args.txt AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 12.04.2013
#19 Update Info AEI2 closed wontfix enhancement minor Alloc 08.04.2013
#16 Dashing AI mod causes crash while shapeshifting Packages closed fixed defect major 08.04.2013
#17 Install Button Not Working due to typo in mod.cfg AEI2 closed fixed defect major Alloc 07.04.2013
#11 Avoid problems with mod and patch overload AEI2 new defect critical Alloc 13.02.2014
#119 Vago suggestions: shell extensions for most important conversions Vago new enhancement critical s10k 28.09.2016
#132 Vago is broken in macOS 10.13 Vago new defect critical s10k 04.02.2018
#136 AEI should display an error message dialog if any of the installation steps return an error AEI2 new defect critical Alloc 16.02.2019
#38 Cutscene skipping Daodan/Win new enhancement major Alloc 24.10.2017
#54 bin SVN sometimes stays locked after failed update AEI2/Updater new defect major Alloc 10.05.2013
#56 Move mods which are renumbered AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 19.05.2013
#63 AE Self updater does not close and launch AEI AEI2/Updater new defect major Alloc 18.03.2014
#65 Menu problems when doing stuff too quickly Daodan/Win new defect major Alloc 28.06.2013
#70 Unzipping Mac apps kills symbolic links AEI2 new defect major Alloc 10.02.2014
#79 Recognize svn errors AEI2 new defect major Alloc 21.10.2017
#106 Move mod storage from Mod Depot to Subversion AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 13.09.2015
#107 Report .NET version in use AEI2 new defect major Alloc 17.03.2016
#115 Vago suggestions: TRAC editor Vago new enhancement major s10k 14.12.2016
#122 Vago suggestion: sound wizard enhancement #2 Vago new enhancement major s10k 10.12.2016
#129 Rebuild levels if package contents were changed AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 14.01.2018
#140 Support Oni Demo for AE AEI2 new enhancement major Alloc 25.04.2019
#142 Add shield-bypassing flag to PAR3 Daodan/Win new enhancement major Alloc 11.05.2019
#147 Add -blender command option when importing and exporting TRAMs Vago new enhancement major s10k 30.06.2020
#149 Sound Wizard OSBD.grp properties Vago new defect major s10k 30.06.2020
#150 Improve applying of options / make options from context menu more visible Vago new defect major s10k 06.06.2020
#28 Allow user to only be notified about updates to installed mods AEI2/UI new enhancement minor Alloc 14.04.2013
#30 Camera drift bug Daodan/Win new task minor 21.03.2014
#32 Read Incompatibility\Dependency from Depot WebTools/ModDepot new enhancement minor Iritscen 24.04.2013
#34 Blood mod: Droids shouldn't bleed Packages new defect minor 23.04.2013
#37 BSL overloaded by standing in damaging TV Daodan/Win new enhancement minor Alloc 24.04.2013
#39 Widescreen Fixes - Dream Lab & TCTF II Packages new defect minor 18.10.2022
#81 Check and fix all custom BSL commands Daodan/Win new defect minor Alloc 09.04.2014
#101 Resume button-moving feature should support any size of Main Menu Daodan/Win new defect minor Alloc 25.03.2015
#117 Vago suggestions: TXMP "flying head" editor Vago new enhancement minor s10k 21.09.2016
#121 Vago suggestions: sound wizard enhancement Vago new enhancement minor s10k 19.11.2016
#127 Outro movie plays only sound with black screen Daodan/Win new defect minor alloc 20.08.2019
#137 Carry over support for Japanese text from J release Daodan/Win new enhancement minor Alloc 06.04.2019
#141 Add support for smart TXAN Daodan/Win new enhancement minor Alloc 11.05.2019
#145 Add animation types to Oni Daodan/Win new enhancement minor Alloc 16.01.2020
#151 Vago: option to disable warning for clearing Vago new enhancement minor s10k 30.06.2020
#153 When loading the same project twice, existing items in tables get duplicated Vago new defect minor s10k 12.01.2021
#6 Use Windows Oni icon for "Run Oni" buttons in Windows AEI2/UI new defect trivial Alloc 04.04.2013
#69 App name appears in Dock as "java" in OS X 10.9+ AEI2/UI new defect trivial Alloc 17.03.2015
#123 AEI: locally stored tools cannot be deleted AEI2 new defect trivial Alloc 16.10.2017
#92 Installation fails when ...? Using a foreign language in Windows? AEI2 reopened defect critical Alloc 26.03.2021
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